Good Night Missy

First thing this morning, Daisy and I found Missy’s dead body outside the front door.  We didn’t know what to think.  What had happened?  It was horrible.

I fed the rest of the sheep, carefully checking Edna was not pining (she is fine, thankfully) and the rest were just the same as ever – in good health.

We covered the corpse, OH dug a deep hole in our “graveyard” and I talked to the postie (my sheep expert). “Vinster” he called it and I should’ve had Missy vaccinated with a clostridia and pasteurella vaccination.

I feel terrible. I didn’t know this.  I thought she was fine, fit, well and healthy and now she isn’t.  He said it was a quick death (a small blessing) and that it happens to good sheep, out of nowhere.

So little Missy didn’t even have her first Mississippi (birthday) and it’s totally my fault.  My own ignorance.

Rest in peace Little Mississippi. You were a brief joy and a darling in our lives.  You will be desperately missed by us.  You were doing so well training me too (she had her own bowl at breakfast which she insisted upon).

Life is very unfair but death is even worse.  I wish I could turn the clock back.


43 thoughts on “Good Night Missy

  1. Karen Carter

    Oh my goodness I’m actually in tears reading this . You didn’t know about the vaccine therefore it’s not your fault so please don’t blame yourself. Sometimes life just suck.
    Rest peacefully sweet Missy ❤️

  2. Lucy MacArthur

    So sorry Frances. You didn’t know about the vaccines and she did have a very good life, even if too short, with you.

    Thinking of you all, Lucy xx

  3. Sue

    So sorry Frances, years ago I lost a fabulous foal because I didn’t know about having an IGG test done.
    I learned from it and now it’s our normal procedure.
    Ignorance is only bad if you don’t learn from it.

  4. Sharon

    I’m in tears as I offer you my condolences on Missy’s death. She was such a joy to have come out of such a bad situation with Edna and Madge being abandoned and left to fend for themselves. I know you did your best for them and Missy.

  5. Gail Lawson

    Oh Frances, I am so very sorry and sad to know this. I know it’s easy to blame yourself, but go easy on yourself. You loved and cared for her beautifully and she returned your love. My thoughts and love to you.

  6. Suca Johnson

    Oh Frances. I’m so very sorry. She was a beautiful little girl and I know you guys adored her. Can I comment on the vet’s thoughts? Without a necropsy, there is no real way to know what happened. Sheep die. Lambs die. In the last few years I’ve lost two absolutely gorgeous, apparently healthy lambs just like this, for no obvious reason. One was not yet vaccinated, so maybe it was clostridium. But I lost one of my favorites this spring, just like Missy. He was fine in the evening and gone in the morning. He WAS vaccinated. I still don’t know what happened with him. You don’t know what happened to Missy. Remember that Missy was conceived under less than ideal circumstances and you don’t know her whole prenatal history. At the very least her mother was under extreme duress. Please don’t let the vet make you feel worse by telling you you could have prevented this. You just don’t know.

  7. Shelley

    Sudden death is the hardest Frances. Missy was such a pretty lamb – and she WAS well taken care of as were her sister and mother who are thriving under your care. I send my deepest condolences.

  8. Mary Colleen McNamara

    so sorry. Does this only happen to youngsters . Hope the other sheeples are not at risk.
    Take some comfort in knowing that she had a good life with you all.
    Try to remember the good times, her frolicking and her sweet face.
    A friend of mine found out about infection in her ducks (the hard way) Clostridia.. like you said it happened fast. So hard to lose critters .
    Sending prayers and virtual hugs.

  9. Dona

    This is so tragic because you love your animals so much. Missy had a brief, wonderful life with you. Such a sad learning experience, how would you have known? I am so sad with you, as we all are.

  10. Christine

    She had a very happy life with you and was well fed and much loved. That’s a wonderful gift to give to an animal. I am so sorry.

  11. Kate .

    Dear Francis.
    So sorry about your pretty little girl. Dear God it’s a strange world ! She was so happy with you all.
    I have never heard of the vaccine either and it just rocked me backwards.
    My love to you all. X

  12. Sam

    Frances – Little Miss Maine Coon and I send love across the Atlantic. You took in a needy Sheep family and gave them a good life. Not knowing about a vaccine does not mean you are a bad person. Missy would not have survived without your help, that is fact.
    She will be missed by those of us who never even met her. So sorry about this news.

  13. Celeste

    Oh no, what a shock! I am so very sorry to hear about this. Sometimes despite our very best loving care, animals die too soon and it’s always hard. Sending you extra virtual hugs and lots of compassion.

  14. Margaret

    So sorry Frances. Really some days it is just all too hard. A toast to little Missy and all the other dear departed.

  15. Michelle

    What a shock and how heartbreaking!! I’m glad Edna is not pining. Give Lambie some extra loves and remind yourself that you pulled him through against ALL odds.

  16. Amy

    I’m so sorry, Frances, and sorry that you’re blaming yourself. You gave her so much love during her short life. And you didn’t know. Please be kind to yourself. Sending waves of kindness and love to you across the miles. You and she were lucky to have each other, even for a short time, and we were lucky to enjoy all your lovely pictures of her sweet face.

  17. Cathy

    So, so sorry to read this. What a horrible shock. Poor sweet little girl, but she couldn’t have been more loved, and though far too short, what a wonderful life she had with you.

  18. Elva

    I am very, very sorry, but I agree with the others; don’t blame yourself. I have had mine vaccinated the last two years, and both in July 2019 and this July, I lost a beautiful, robust, seemingly healthy lamb. You just do your very best and carry on. Also, you should pat yourself on the back every day for Lambie, who I think is a total miracle! From what he looked like as a tiny lamb to who he is now is nothing short of amazing. And then there is MONSTER……….

  19. May

    Bless Missy. She had a short but well-loved life. You did the best you could for her and all of your rescues, and that is very good indeed. So many people would not have stepped in to save your wonderful creatures, let alone with such unstinting love.

    Please do apply some of that same kindness on yourself, Frances; you deserve it.

  20. Judith Garbutt

    What an awful shock for you and Daisy. I’m so sorry. Her life may have been short but it was very happy.xx

  21. darby callahan

    I am so sorry, I know how terrible you must feel. I felt so sad reading this. I will miss her sweet little face.

  22. Robyn

    So heartbroken for all of you at this sad time. Missy was such a dear little lamb and she will be missed by everyone. She had a wonderful life with you Frances so please be kind to yourself. xx

  23. Linda

    Oh Frances, I’m SO sorry. She was such a sweetheart.

    We learn as we go along; we’re on our 4th dog, and I shudder when I think of things I didn’t know to do for the other 3, but do for our current dog. We can only do the best we can.

  24. diane in northern wis

    Oh my gosh, Frances. I am shocked, as I know you were when you found Missy this morning. How could you have known about this? How about the others….would they be affected by it too? I’ve never heard of this. I’m so sorry it happened to your beautiful Missy. I felt like I knew her and I thought she had grown into such a beautiful sheep. At least, I believe she was living a very happy life with your family at your place. There’s a lot to be said for that.

  25. Kris

    I am so, so sorry. Do not blame yourself. One cannot know everything.

    Although a brief presence in your life, Missy was a blessing that warmed your heart and soul. Her memory will continue to do so.

  26. Louise Stopford

    So sorry and upset to read this Frances. What an awful thing to happen to such a beautiful young lady. Thank goodness she knew she was loved by you all. You must all feel so devastated. I feel so, so upset for you all. Hope Edna goes on OK without her baby. Sending hugs to you and your family and to Edna and Madge.

  27. Glen

    I’m so sorry How could you have known she was poorly if there were no signs? It’s not your fault. I know of sheep farmers who gave up and sold their flock because too many things go wrong with sheep. They are hard work to keep healthy and safe. Huge hugs and much love x


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