From Dawn to Dusk

A few photos from today – sunrise to sunset.


08:38 (so apparently it took me 20 minutes to feed the sheep, get the buckets ready and drive over the road to the Minions’ field.


It was blimmin’ cold.  Ice on the water bucket and everything.  My nose, toes and fingers were froze.

11:08 – Later on in the morning, I took the dogs to Leradale.  Even the loch had ice.

Such a still day.  Not a breath of wind.  It’s usually never like this so we are all making the most of it.

Even though the sun was out, and I was beginning to divest myself of hat and gloves as I warmed up from walking, there was still frost on the ground in patches where the sun hadn’t reached it yet.

After lunch, I went into my shed to make another sheeple and then out at 15:21 to see the sun has already gone and the duckies all wanted to be fed.

(my constant companon)

16:06 and a waxing crescent moon in the south was appearing.

Tomorrow there is a quick “moderate” gale, with rain but the temperature is going up (double) so swings and roundabouts I suppose.

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