Finding My Calm

We’ve had some suprisingly calm days recently.  Most unusual for the time of year.

Perfect photography weather – that’s a heron on the shoreline by the fence.  It’s blimmin’ cold, though.

A quick chat with ‘Bert, who was by himself and I have no idea why, and I took the dogs for a walk at Leradale.

There is an old derelict house at the croft.

A quick look around to see everything was still standing, sort of, and we walked down the hill to the fields.  Pepper was in a keen hunting mood.  She found something but I have no idea what.

I located the Bronze Age trough quern stone – well, the remains of one.

And then we walked around the whole field – about 50 acres.  The dogs had their hi-viz jackets on which are a god-send as they are both exactly the same colour as the field.

You can just make out Pepper which shows just how effective the jackets are.

They both had a very good run round and were very energetic which made me think someone will sleep well tonight.

We looked at all the old Bronze Age sites of habitation and, as always, I wondered who had lived here.


Going to Leradale is always special. I can find my peace there and walk the dogs. Win, win!

And there’s the Broadband meeting tonight, so I might need the calm.

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