From the initial 7 Muscovy ducks that I was given a couple of years back, we still have 6 – we lost two and kept 1 duckling, if that makes sense.
I am very fond of my ducky-wuckies. They are communicative in a non-quacking way and are very definite about what they want – mostly food, please!
And Penthesilea (the only one with a name apart from Mr Ducky, Black Ducky and Mother Ducky, though I am not 100% sure which one she is now), is still very keen on guddling in the mud.
She is a girl on a mission – I am trying very hard not to be too depressed about this as we have mud everywhere.
The ducks get around the croft quite far and fly past like Lancaster bombers. I don’t clip their wings.
They know where home is and I think it gives them a sporting chance against any predators during the day, though they go to bed at night in a totally closed hen-house.
They are no trouble and fascinating to watch.
Maybe there will be some ducklings this year. I would quite like that. Quite.
I take it Monster, Teddy and Pepper leave the ducks alone. Ducklings would be cute.
Yes. Sort of……
Splendid; hopefully you will have sweet duckies and duckling pics this spring
Who are the predators around you?
Polecats mainly, and otters, Bonxies (skuas).