Eight Days Old

Every day, we (that would be me and 2 sheeps plus 1 dog) visit Thordale Maternity Unit wherever it is situate – they have two large fields.


The horses like to stand on top of the hill and look down on us mere mortals.


Efstur makes a beautiful subject.  His name means “Top”, “No 1” so it seems apt.

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Efstur is very inquisitive and is completely intrigued by ‘Ster, who is much braver than Lambie.


This photo I took when I shouted “Boys” and they both looked up and at me!


As long as Efstur does not overstep the mark (wherever that is), ‘Ster will always be pleased to have a game.


I guess he will find that one out for himself.


Efstur is gorgeous.  Today, he is eight days old – should I make a cake, throw him a party?

What is the social etiquette for such an occasion?  Black tie, white tie, napkins on the left, fish knives, is he considered royalty?  At times, I just feel so ignorant.


Whatever – that little boy can move and he is beautiful to watch.


A natural five gaited Icelandic horse foal who is an utter delight.


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