
It has been six whole days with these ladies and already I am seeing a change in so many ways.

Mother is still pushy but she is learning the magic word “back, back” which means you don’t walk into the house or feed-shed uninvited. She is also less pushy and is filling out.

Wherever I go around the croft, I have two devoted followers. ‘Bert has also decided they could be his best friends because they get three meals a day and he only gets one!  Today, the Boyzens went into the hill. Lambie is still furious but I told him to suck it up, Princess.

Anyway, this weekend I was given some Muscovy Ducks.  I adore them.  In the dim and distant past, I had one Muscovy. Now we have seven.

Six lady-ducks and one drake.

They don’t move around much – preferring to stand outside their house (now sharing with the hens in perfect harmony), waiting for me to arrive with food.

I have to make sure that everyone (ie sheep) are somewhere enclosed as they cannot steal the duck feed. It is poisonous to sheep.

And certain sheep are on the scrounge 24/7 at the moment. It’s a full time job.

I am trying to convince the ducks to follow me and I can show them where the water is but so far they just stand and watch.  They do a lot of watching and possibly judging.

The followers always follow.

BSC (Bat-Shit-Crazy) Girl is getting less reactive.  She will take a gingernut/snack from my hand, she will eat from a bowl in my hand and she will almost let me touch her. She sniffs me when she thinks I am not noticing.

They also love the horse’s barley rings which make the perfect snack and bribe. I keep some in my pockets.

The way forward is definitely food.

5 thoughts on “Ducky-Wuckies!

  1. Sam

    When Sheeple have been as skinny as these girls, food is the only way to their heart. Glad they are starting be a tiny bit more social. And ducks always sit in judgement.

  2. Linda Loba

    The new sheep ladies are looking so much better, Frances; I’m so glad to see that…and it sounds like the younger one is coming around.

    Congrats on your new “flock” of ducks (I actually looked up what a group of them is called). No surprise they get along w/the chickens; my neighbor’s chickens easily welcomed a new female turkey into their community. 🙂

  3. Margaret Robinson

    I might expect the smaller/younger sheep might have encountered a human (or perhaps a larger animal than itself) that has caused the shying-away when trying to touch her. This has happened to a lot of the animals I’ve seen at several of our local rescue organizations. She’ll come round because everyone will be gentle and kind to her (plus the food you offer!).

    The ducks are gorgeous. I’ve no experience with them, but boy are they all good-looking.

    Best of luck with all – now you’re not just busy, but REALLY busy!


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