Down to the Beach

We all went to Norby beach, the nearest sandy beach to us which is about 4 miles away in the village of Sandness.  The weather was descending rapidly (rain and then wind) and the dogs needed walking before it got too nasty.

We were the only people on the beach, which was perfect. I love having the beach to myself.

Our friends from south brought their dog to Shetland and he had a lovely time chasing and catching a frisbee.

I spent my time looking for groatie buckies (cowrie shells) but there were none to be seen.

I did, however, see a bonxie (Great Skua) flying menacingly over the cliffs where the fulmar’s nest.  My first bonxie of the year but I haven’t really been looking all that much.

OH had set off with our dogs in the opposite direction of the beach as Ted is not a fan of the collie.  They had words yesterday so we are trying to keep the peace while they get used to each other.  Ted grumbled about the newbie and Pepper was oblivious to the tension.


And Pepper seems to have mostly got over her trauma but is still a bit 3 legged and limpy when she sees I am watching her.  The baleful eyes of resentment are working over-time too.  I remain feeling guilty.  She is good.

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