Day of Grot

I had plans this morning when I got up.  My back seemed to be behaving and all was good.

That was until I did the hugely strenuous task (not) of pouffing up a sofa cushion.  With that, I heard a pop and couldn’t walk.  I managed to get to my office chair to catch my breath.

I made the decision to see if gentle mobilisation would solve the problem rather than drugs.  It didn’t.

So I resorted to putting all my plans on hold and going back to bed to lie on a hot water bottle.  My OH came up to see if I needed anything and it was then I realised I couldn’t actually move anything. I couldn’t roll over onto my side or get up.

Contemplating my next move of dialling 999 or taking drugs, my OH put together a rattling cocktail of analgesia, antispasmodics and anti-inflammatories.

BeAnne and I went to sleep waking briefly for Marmite on toast in bed (no crumbs, I promise) and then we went back to sleep again.

We emerged at 17.00 to find that the day had passed us by.  I managed to hobble outside and feed the bebbies and Taktur (separately).

Now, I feel very sore.  Luckily I am in the queue for an MRI, the results to be given to both the spinal team and the gynae lot – 4 to 6 weeks.

So, a day of grot today and I didn’t even get a snog off my boys.

Here are some photos of my lovely little persons – I missed playing with.  It was their day today for training (ride Haakon one day, train the bebbies the other).  I dream of lying down with them to sleep together but somehow reality kicks in (or their hooves) and it is never going to happen.

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7 thoughts on “Day of Grot

  1. Karen Ashley

    Ouch ouch ouch!! Back pain is worse than childbirth…you have my sympathy and I am sending healing vibes as hard as I can. Love those Bebbies 🙂

  2. Cate

    Wonky back, been there done that, do not want the T-shirt! I hope you feel much better very soon, Frances. 😀

  3. Linda

    Dang. Hang in there Frances and hope you an stay comfortable enough to sleep and rest. Sayin a little prayer for you…

  4. Linda

    (different Linda) After a herniated disc, my best friend is now the soft “Blue Ice” pack I keep in the freezer…

  5. Trish

    Keep taking the drugs Frances! Nice glass of red sometimes helps too x

    …. back pain, it is the pits (I know)!


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