Category Archives: MyShetland

Wee Bun Update

I dropped by my neighbour yesterday to deliver some specialist feed syringes that has just arrived in the post off Fleabay.

Although Baby Bun is not living with us as it is in the more than capable hands of my neighbour (and I would be useless), I feel totally responsible for this addition to their family – hence buying the baby animal feeding syringes and anything else they need at this perilous time.

And, of course, I had to have a quick squiz at Baby Bun who is looking a lot less scrawny, and much rounder and….. and…… ears up!  Yay!

Ears up are a good sign of development and being alert and happy.  The eyes are not open yet but almost…. not long now, I hope.

Anyway, I thought I would share the “ears up” situation with you as I was very excited to see this.  Baby Bun has no name yet as it is still very early days and no one is out of the woods yet.

But lots more fur too and that is another good sign.

Apparently the new feeding syringes made feeding time easier, so that’s good.  Oh, the worry. Always the worry.

The Carrot Thief

After making my sheep, I usually walk up to the Ancients’ field to check they are ok and no one has colic or worse.

Today I took 3 large carrots. One each, fairly distributed or so I

I am always very popular and they all came over.

I noticed Haakon was standing like a giraffe!

But a carrot is a carrot and everyone had their fair share.

“Smile, please”, I said.

And while Iacs was working on his best camera-face, I noticed Haakon was eying up Iacs’ bit of carrot that he had been saving….

Poor Iacs – he had no idea.

But it was too late. The carrot was gone.

By the time Iacs had realised that it had vanished (*** cough Haakon ***), there was nothing I could do.

Poor Iacs. All that was left was a tiny bit that was not quite as big as he remembered.

I left the field feeling bad for Iacs and more than a bit annoyed at Haakon.  But Haakon is not called “Pig” for nothing.

Sitting Outside

I haven’t sat outside with my ponies for what feels like ages.  It has just not been the weather.  Too cold, or too wet, too winter or too meh.

But, after putting up some more electric fence posts to strengthen the fence, I had an empty feed sack (originally had the posts in to carry down to the field) with me.  Perfect for sitting on.

So I found a spot, put my bag down and sat on it.  It didn’t take long…..

Albie was first up.

Tiddles stood next to me.

(the wind was still blowing – you can possibly tell)

Albie and Silver were close by.

Storm appeared too.

Of course, Pepper.


And lastly Newt.

Pepper featured a lot in everyone’s lives because she suffers from intense jealousy if I am showing affection to any other animal.  It is all about her.  Always.  I know that now.

Anyway, it was a lovely morning and even better for having a sit, chat, cuddle and nose kissey with my little ponios and then being clambered on by a very demanding small dog. I want more days like these, please.

Storm Kathleen

Yesterday was so nice. Today is utterly vile with Storm Kathleen doing her worst.  The spring flowers were beginning to come out – I bet they regret that decision.

These photos are from yesterday on my dog walk.

The primrose bank by the burn.

And Celandine – my most favourite flower. I remember a school project when I was probably about 7 years old having to find out, write down and draw pictures.

My new album cover!

Or this. I can’t decide.

This morning, I was volunteering at Turriefield. We were potting up the seedlings planted a few weeks ago.

I felt rather proud of “my little plants”.  I did this, I told myself, apart from the one that didn’t come up. I didn’t do that one, obviously!

A duvet day.

My friend came round later and we played our usual flute duets.  The sheep came to listen (boys only). The girls were elsewhere.  The lads didn’t move for the whole 2 hours we played.  It was very nice to have an audience, even a woolly one. We’re not fussy and at least we have our latest album cover ready to go.

Baby Bunny Update

My neighbour sent me this beautiful photo yesterday so I popped by this morning to have a progress update and to see Baby Bunny for myself.

The fact that BB is still alive is totally because of my neighbour and her family.  They are all doing their absolute best for this little one.  No one could do more.

(apologies for my photos – they are rubbish).

Although Baby Bunny has lost a little of its original weight, it is alert, moving around much more, the fur is growing and its eyes are almost open – so all signs of progress.  But feeding can be a bit of a performance.  Intake is being upped now to get some weight on but if you feed too much, they can die. If you feed too little, they can die….. and the list goes on.

Hand-reared baby rabbits have a 10% chance of survival and that is not great odds really.

So more thoughts and prayers for Baby Bun please.

So incredibly tiny and such a little sweetie too.  Oh my heart.