Cantering Up

You can just see all the Minions at the very far end of their track that circuits around the field.  Little white dots (and a few coloured ones too).

I called them up for the breakfast and they all set off, some at a canter and the older ladies at a trot.

The youngest got here first and I shut the gate on them in this small paddock so Fivla and Vitamin could eat their buckets in peace.

I noticed that Vitamin and Fivla needed a good brush. I thought the remainder of their winter coats would’ve come out by now but it has not been warm enough and they’ve been wearing rugs when it was cold, wet and windy so nothing much has moved.

This was Fivla after a good brush.  She was much happier.

And Vitamin, also.  It is a tough one. I want Vitamin to put on a little more weight but I don’t want her to get laminitis (like last year).  However, Fivla needs to lose weight.  It is a constant juggle and worry.

Meanwhile Storm upset my grooming bucket, had the entire contents out and was in my way constantly.  Annoying, much.

And now the threat of more rain so rugs back on, despite it being quite warm.  I wonder when summer will arrive.

6 thoughts on “Cantering Up

  1. Sam

    Well it is arriving in New England with vengeance this week. Temps in the the 34C-36C with added heat index (humidity) of 38C. Ick.

  2. Deb

    My Dear Friend…. In this country most of our Shetlands have Cushings Disease the precursor to laminitis. Caused by the fight between thyroid and green grass. If you want
    science you need to look it up !! I know that’s why you have them on the track but don’t remember hearing that they’ve been tested. And then worse you have to decide how to treat. We’ll talk more ?

    1. Frances Post author

      Cushings is unlikely (they are way too young and show none of the symptoms). I think Tiddles has EMS (Equine Metabolic Syndrome) like Fivla. This method of no-grass and lots of exercise and hay seems to be working now.

      1. Deb

        How lucky you are. I have 1 with EMS but our Shetlands get Cushings in their teens and younger. I think I was thinking of the older folks. How old are the ponies now ?

        1. Frances Post author

          They’re doing ok. Fivla has EMS. Actually there is a theory that all Shetland ponies have low level EMS just by their methods of survival.

          1. Deb

            That is really interesting ! Now all I have to do is convince folks in NC that Shetlands are not just big minis
            Makes me crazy !!

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