Calm after the Storm

After all the rain, I thought I would start my learning-to-walk-nicely-on-the-road training with The Minions but when I went to catch one, I saw that they were all asleep, so I felt guilty and left them.

The bad weather is always exhausting for everyone.

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Instead, I took the dogs out for their walk by themselves (plus Lambie and Lambert who spotted me leaving from the hill and came running).  They were very enthusiastic and there was running, bouncing as well as trying to butt each other into ditches!

Loki disowned us and went off to catch a rabbit.


Afterwards, I went down into the Fat Field to see how everyone was.  No one was very keen to talk to me as there was eating to do before I changed my mind and moved them all back to their original field, that doesn’t have as much grass.


I could not see Taktur in the field, so shouted his name and he popped up from behind a dry stone wall.


He is very handsome and easy to work with.  A real gentleman.


The Minions had crept under an adjoining fence to the next field, where they almost invisible in the long grass.


The weeds are the same size as Silver.


Tiddles was on good form but he had eating to do and that took precedent over everything else.


Tiddles and Storm are still the best friends one year on and that is just what I wanted when I agreed to give him a home, last winter.


It was a lovely afternoon after all that rain/wind.  Everyone was enjoying it and I didn’t get too involved as I though they were tired and just wanted to be left alone.  Still, I had a few nose kisses!



3 thoughts on “Calm after the Storm

  1. Linda

    Taktur is so noble – especially looking up from behind the wall.
    And here’s to the successful friendship of Tiddles and Storm!


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