Bye Bye Daisy

Well, that’s Daisy gone after her Christmas holiday.

And I think we can all safely say that we will miss her hugely.

She was, of course, a delight (which is actually Daisy’s description of herself).

And I’m sad as we won’t have anyone to play flute trios with now so it’s back to duets again plus Pepper as our audience who has to be paid in chews.

So safe flight home, Daisy. Thank you for all your help this Christmas (Bibble was beyond happy to see her) and phone me when you land or get home because that plane sat on the runway for at least 3 extra hours with a mechanic trying to put it back together after two aborted flight take-offs.  The wind here is an ambient F8, gusting 9, with horizontal rain and there are no flights tomorrow. So it’s now or never and I am not worried, I am not worried, I am not worried……

(here we are waiting at Sumburgh airport which was almost deserted). 

7 thoughts on “Bye Bye Daisy

  1. marlene

    first time commenting but i love reading your blog, thank you for taking the time to post every day
    Happy New Year to you all from NE Scotland

  2. Judith Garbutt

    Hope Daisy got safely to where she was going. I can imagine how worried you’ll be, Frances, until you get that phone call. Happy New Year to you all.

  3. diane in northern wis

    Praying for Daisy to make it back home safely. Where is home for her? Love your family. Hope Floss can stay longer???

  4. Deb C

    Hope Daisy made is safely back to where she was going by now. Happy New Year. Thanks for sharing your life with us.


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