MyShetland has been nominated for Haynet’s 2015 Equestrian Blogger of the Year. There are 12 nominations and I am one of them! Yay. Get me!
If you follow this link, you can vote for MyShetland Blog –—vote-now
If you want that is. Please there really is no pressure. I will just sob into my coffee if I lose again. No, really, no pressure, or guilt and don’t worry if The Minions are sobbing too and is that Lambie I hear crying his eyes out? No pressure, like I said. Remember The MyShetland Advent Calendar? Well, that will be all binned. Yes, you heard, the whole lot in the bin or fed to the dog.
Anywho, that is the offishul bit over.
The weather is not brilliant – today was no exception. I have been working into the wee small hours to create The Mugs to End All Mugs
And please don’t forget—vote-now
(not nagging, just sayin’)
Done. Hope you win as it makes my day!
Done! Good luck!
PS I’m getting my OH to vote separately, as he enjoys the Lambie posts (which I read to him)! I think this is legal, isn’t it?
Love the PIC of Be Anne, hope you win the prize!
Good Luck, Frances! I enjoy your posts immensely, hope you win.
I voted! Good luck! (Yes, I voted for this blog. Duh! 🙂 )
Voted. Your blog is my daily treat! I hope you win.
Skye needs a lambie mug!!!
Lambie young or Lambie now?
I’m so corrupt, the bribe worked. 😉 😀
So how often can I vote?
Also, bought myself a Lambie mug. 🙂 For those readers in the USA, this link should take you to the Zazzle US site and the page for the lambie mug. If you click the link on the upper right where it says “My Boysenberries and Minions”, you’ll see the other Lambie Mug offerings:
Personally, I’d go for the laughing pony picture on a mug, but that’s me. HAHAHA
Voted. I never miss a blog, hope you are the winner.
Done x
I seldom comment because I am often reading from an iPad with keyboard issues, but I do love your blog and your amazing photos. I really enjoy this little glimpse of Shetland and, as a blogger myself, I greatly appreciate the work you put into it. You certainly deserve to win the prize.
I rarely comment here also, but NEVER miss a post, I always come here from TheDancingDonkey blog. I too voted for you, love your photos, and all your animals! Good luck!
I have three of the dogs on mugs! I’ll have the whole set one day.
Best of luck with the Haynet award. I voted! Your blog is lovely! 🙂
Done! I don’t usually bother when people ask for clicks, but you really are the best. Good luck!
I voted for you yesterday and hope you win. I usually save reading your posts for the morning to start the day well – thank you!