Big Boy Pants

Daisy and I went, with carrots, to see The Minions.


At first glance, they seemed fine  – happy, chatty and perfectly ok.


But Waffle was not his normal self.  His post-op area was very swollen and he could hardly walk.  We could see the pain and misery in his eyes.


Jo cleaned everything with diluted pevidine and I phoned the vet to tell him what was happening – inflammation, a slightly elevated temperature, general malaise and discomfort.  We tried Waffle with syrup and Danilon sandwich but he wouldn’t touch it.

So I put the mental “blue and two’s” on my car and we left Jo and Daisy cold-hosing Waffle’s bits and drove off to the vet to get some antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and analgesia injections.


I returned with the drawn-up injections to find Waffle was wearing Big-Boy Pants.


These were invented and successfully employed to hold an ice-pack in the necessary place.


Please note the creases and tail hole to emphasise the curves and folds of the material.  This could be a new fashion. First the sweaters, now the matching pants!


Waffle was a darling boy.  He never had an opinion about anything.  He just asked Daisy for support and coped with whatever they made him wear.


Once the last lot of ice had melted, the pants were removed.


Waffle’s friends were waiting for him.


And we took him back to his field where they told him how much they had missed him.  I suspect he told them about the pants!


Oh well, Round 2 tomorrow.

Healing vibes for The Waff.  He was a sweetie about everything today.

4 thoughts on “Big Boy Pants

  1. Laura Friedlander

    The pants are a great idea, I have seen this done once before to cover a healing wound, and if you put some drops of tea tree or lavender oil on the ‘pants’ it helps to keep flies away. You can make the ‘pants’ with a big tee shirt. Is this what you used? So hope the wee soul is feeling much better soon bless him.

  2. meg

    Great solution! 🙂
    We did the same thing for our german shepard mix when had the missfortune of getting an adder bite on his unmentionables… they swelled up to bull-size and yeah.. not pretty. so instead of the “cone of shame and furniture banging” we did the shorts solution. Dads boxers, and the fly part is perfect for a tail 😀
    Poor thing was ashamed though, hated to have them on., but it still beat having him freak out about the code (the magnifying qualities of sounds in that thing really drove him nuts)
    Anyway, quick recovery and all around good vibes sent your way, and thanks for sharing your days and photos! 🙂


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