It was good to see the little boys playing this morning, while I trudged round poo-picking (or trying to work out what was possibly poo or not in the thawing snow).
While I wandered around the field (and I use that term loosely – a bog, or swamp would be more accurate) with rubber gloves and a bucket, I watched the ponies having fun.
It was particularly good to see Tiddles having fun.
He is officially disgusting and when he came inside later, I dug through my rug libary to find some stable rugs as I was convinced he must be freezing. But no, he was completely dry underneath the mud, snow, dirt, god-knows-what….. so I towelled some of it off and left him eating his haynet.
If I had a pound for every time Albie knocked over my poo bucket I would be rich!
Anyway, the topic is me being tough. I decided that as long as I could see green grass, I was not going to put out haynets. Nope, get used to finding grass again.
I texted Daisy and she replied “stay tough” so I repeated this to Iacs.
And then it snowed.
And I had to change my mind. Haynets for all then.
Oh Tiddles, what a state you are in…..but are we pleased to see it. Thank goodness he’s having fun.
He is repellant. Every bit. I can barely kiss his nosey!
Muzza vs. Muzza Nature
Let the former prevail!
“Stay Tough” should be the Shetland motto 🙂
Lovely pictures as usual. So glad Tiddles is feeling good.