BeAnne’s (and mine) Lovely Surprise

I buy a regular monthly delivery of TurmerAid from The Golden Paste Company for various animals:-

Haakon = stiff in his old age (26yo)
Brá = calms her and her skin
Lambie = arthritis
‘Bert = prone to limping
‘Ster = ditto to the limping
Me = TurmOil (hooman version – for ye olde stiffe joints!)

Yes, we are very much part of #TeamTurmeric for The Golden Paste Company and Lambie is an excellent Brand Ambassador, but I only enthuse about things I truly believe in for myself and/or my animals and these products help us all hugely and certainly changed our lives.

So, in December, I didn’t bother opening the regular posted cardboard box from The Golden Paste Company because I already had a tub of TurmerAid to finish up. This time of year, I live by the motto “one and a spare”.

Imagine my surprise when I opened the box to find, as well as the ordered carton, a Christmas stocking for BeAnne!

No one ever send us presents.  Well, not companies.

Many years ago, I tried BeAnne on turmeric but she was less than enthusiastic so I didn’t persevere and, at the time, she was bouncy enough.

But my darling little girl is an old lady now (13 years old) and has definitely slowed up.

At lunchtime, I tried her out on a few pieces of TurmerEase.

There was much enthusiasm.  Monster liked the idea but left his pieces. Her Maj quickly snaffled them up.

I also opened the Cobbydog Fish Supper for them to sample and they both loved that.

I will keep this for later.

And the Christmas Tree?  Well, BeAnne spent her day wandering about with it in her mouth gently squeaking to herself.

The stocking was a huge success and thank you very much to The Golden Paste Company for thinking of the other members of my family.

I have ordered more TurmerEase.  She needs it.

Oh yes, and ‘scuse my kitchen floor – it needs a re-paint.



6 thoughts on “BeAnne’s (and mine) Lovely Surprise

  1. Sam

    It is refreshing to hear of companies that go the extra mile for no reason at all. We have Little Miss on allergy meds, and that company puts in different cat toys when we place an order. I love how gently BeAnne took the treat from OH. As for the floor, winter keeps us all inside so we look overly hard at our home and think “that needs to be done in the spring”.

  2. Judith Garbutt

    I love the way BeAnne begs! My grandmother had a Sealyham Terrier who could sit like that for ages. (She could also bite!) I hadn’t thought about her for years – BeAnnes begging brought her back to mind, so thank you!

  3. Robin Schwartz

    What a sweet gift! Turmeric is the best. I take it myself every day for my arthritis and it really makes a difference (which I realize every time I forget to take it for a few days.) Thank you so much for your posts. I’m getting quite attached to you and your animals. 😉


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