Around the House

I felt sorry for my two little ones this morning so I let them have a day around the house.

Elvis, the chicken, babysat them for me.

Elvis in her Vegas era!  Our Elvis is very old.  At least double figures.

Anywho, Newt and Albie were happily munching the sheeples’ silage and it is good that someone eats it as the sheep like it freshly hand-plucked from the bale, lightly drizzled where they want it, take one mouthful, announce it has been on the floor or a chicken sat in it and then leave it.

Albie and Newt are not that fussy.

The big boys remained in their mud happily arguing over every last bit of food.

Afterwards they parked up on the hard shoulder for a bit of shut-eye!

I secretly love having the little ones around the house (outside, preferably) but I don’t trust the sheep very much.

Puzzah has weaponry and can sometimes interpret friendly interest the wrong way.

Tonight I put the Albie and Newt into a little paddock with their very own silage, water and shed where they will be safe. I think it is nice to give them some time off from all this endless mud.

(I love this photo – ‘Bert looks like Puzzah’s minder!)

Meanwhile, it has been declared that Lambie is looking a bit thin so daily rations have been increased.  He was thrilled to hear this and has been following me around all day begging.

Is it just me or does anyone else think he looks a bit like Blue Ivy Carter at the Grammy’s when she shushed her parents, Beyoncé and Jay Z?

Same look!


5 thoughts on “Around the House

  1. Margaret Robinson

    Okay – everything else was interesting/entertaining, but the comment about Blue Ivy and Lambie was totally funny! Seriously – how can you tell Lambie is a bit thin – that wool fleece seems to cover him nicely.

  2. Sharry Bone

    Your blog was forwarded to me by a fellow sheep/knitter/animal friend. I would really like to be on your mailing list if possible. We live in Edgewood NM, surrounded by Shetland and Finn sheep and Shetland ponies. I so much enjoy your fellows!!! Love this little ewe with the black yuglet eye patches!!


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