Add Another

When I first purchased Hetja from Iceland, I was told by her owner not to stable her as she would hate it.  I listened to this advice.


How come, then is Hetja addicted to, and has made her own, the Minions’ Shed?


The only person allowed in is obviously Hjalti and Hetja stands guard dragon-like protecting her most precious possession.  None shall pass and they are not coming in ……. ever.


Everyone left Hetja to it and Esja is integrated into the herd.


I stupidly thought Esja would be thrilled to see Hetja, as they were joined at the hip last year.


How wrong I was.  They have split into separate herds now.


There are herd dynamics going on and I am not very sure what they are.  Sometimes Delia and Vitamin are friends with Storm and Tiddles (the needy babies) and then they are all off together with Waffle lording it over everyone (in a very small way).


Delia is looking very well, though lame.  She is on regular painkillers and ant-inflammatories and I hope we can sort this.  I don’t like animal living with constant pain.  She will be on box-rest for a few days to try and sort it out. I don’t want to call the vet to do The Deed.  I really don’t.  She looks so good (apart from the hopping).


Esja introduced herself to everyone.  For every pony, she met she squealed like a pig, but that was all – no argy-bargey.

BN2A9128 BN2A9130  BN2A9147

I want everyone to go out and explore and eat.  Hetja and Hajlti need to leave the Minion Boudoir and stop being quite so precious.


At night, Vitamin, Delia (with painkillers) plus Storm and Tiddles came rushing in.  Storm says he will still melt.  I do believe him.


Les Cadeaux du jour!

5 thoughts on “Add Another

  1. Terri

    Thank you for the beautiful Advent Calendar! Can you (or someone else) please explain how to download a photo from it? I had no problem doing this last year.. Or do I need to buy something from Zazzle first? (Btw, not all products are showing up on the worldwide Zazzle site.) Thanks for any help.

    1. Frances Post author

      I think you just drag and drop. I will ask Site Admin. I would not hold a photo hostage to get you to buy anything from Zazzle. I don’t expect anyone to buy anything. They are just a bit of fun.

      I am in talks with Zazzle as to why not all products show up. It is a difficult shop, I must admit!

  2. Sam

    This is starting to sound like a major soap opera in Shetland! Who is nice to whom? Will Hetja play nice with others? Will her son run off with, gasp! a Minion??? Will the black stud ever get a girl???Stayed tuned to tomorrow’s eposide. And I will.


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