A Tad Feisty Out

Yesterday, I went on my daily visit to see the Ladies and gave them a mineral/feed lick specifically made for Shetland ponies and Shetland sheep.

Though, on retrospect, I think Vitamin, despite what she says, does not need anything extra.  She is not so much round as triangular!

BN2A7252 BN2A7256

This is Delia’s face when she spies food.  She can be an old dragon when it suits and, despite her venerable age, she is still very determined.


The ladies respect each other’s food in this herd.  There is no arguing and Delia is happy to share with anyone – not that anyone would dare push her out of the way.


Everyone had a turn with the lick.

BN2A7264  BN2A7274

This is Delia’s happy face – she enjoys her food and eats whole carrots with the best of them.   A dear old lady.


I expect when I return tomorrow, there will be inroads into the bucket and probably teethmarks as well.


I wonder whether the manufacturers of the lick would be interested in using this photo for an advertisement?


Oh yes, and Lambster (today’s name – we are just trying it on for size), is coming along beautifully.  I spent a good 30 minutes sitting on a foldy-up chair in their shed singing along to Radio 2 playing “Only You” with Lambie gazing into my eyes, Lambert sulking outside and Lambster having the side of his face stroked.

They should rename that song Only Me!

And then I had to leave, evict the sheep into the wind as OH came to tell me he could see the roof leaving its’ moorings in the gale.  A pity.  We were all getting along swimmingly.

8 thoughts on “A Tad Feisty Out

  1. Linda

    Yes Feances, do please tell more about this special Shetland pony lick! I would love to know what’s in it, how it tastes (haha) and how it compares in the Shetland pony taste test rankings.

  2. Sam

    I think you should send the manufacturer the picture of the ladies enjoying the lick bucket. Great to see Delia in her rug enjoying the treat!


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