A Brief Afternoon Road Trip

I had an early lunch as it gets dark so soon these days, leaving “Harry Potter” and his invisibility cloak happy in their work.

We reckon Monster’s Best Day Ever will be when it snows and then the world will finally be his ie, he will be invisible.   His biggest regret is that everyone can see him from over a mile away.

So it was my turn for the car and I set off to the opposite side of the island where I remembered from ages back a particularly good place to see spectacular waves if the wind is blowing from a southerly direction.

Although not the perfect rolling waves, I was not disappointed.

I had been here a few years’ back during a bad gale and the waves were wonderful and dramatic, rolling and crashing their way inshore.  Sadly I was with folk who definitely did not understand the shout of “stop the car, I need to take photos” so we drove away while I vowed to return another time.

Since then I have been waiting for the right day.

But the wind had to be in the right direction and today it almost was.

Anyway, I enjoyed my little drive out.

The “locals” were out too.

And then I drove back to the “sunny Westside” where I live.  It was much calmer, although the gale has not let up all day.

It makes a nice change to see other parts of the islands and I am very aware I don’t travel about much.  I ought to get out more.

8 thoughts on “A Brief Afternoon Road Trip

  1. Margaret Robinson

    Great photos and beautiful water pics! Different from our ocean views, but somehow the same small glimpses. You do take super pictures.

  2. Sam

    Funny how a road trip to the opposite side of the place you live in can seem like a magical travel.
    Lovely pictures of the waves. SOmetimes a good brisk wind is what one needs.

  3. Cathy

    Please tell me the angle of that bird seed holder doesn’t reflect the strength of the wind?!

    Monster certainly strands out – like a good deed in a naughty world?

    I love your shots of the landscape in wild weather. Shetland is beautiful whether in summer or winter!

  4. diane in northern wis

    Just beautiful and dramatic pics Frances. I love that first won of your monster too. What was the animal in the water…was it a seal?

  5. Dona

    [Your wild ocean photos are beautiful. The waves against the rocks & the winter colors, amazing. Frances, you should seriously think about publishing a Shetland photo book of your favorite places!

  6. Linda Loba

    Those wild-sea photos are just wonderful! And such a beautiful “treat” at the end…

    (we have to look for bunnies before letting our dog out, she doesn’t need any additional food, plus I like having rabbits around)


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