Monthly Archives: December 2013

Goodbye 2013

Well this is the end of 2013 and apparently it is customary to look back on the year to reflect.


A few things have happened to me and mine and what doesnt kill us makes us stronger.

For Me?
1 spinal op
1 ankle op
2 lots spinal anaesthetic jags under sedation
Riding (a little)

Hospital by air-ambulance
Hospital by ferry
Hospital by bus
Hospital by van


Fivla and Vitamin were famous – Shetland ponies in sweaters
Hammy cut his nose (you would never know – as good as new now)
Velvereta lost her foal
Melinda had Zoot
Bozz-Bozz, Arcturus and Pippa went to new homes

Celt dies
We rescue Loki
Wuss takes to living upstairs
BeAnne has a fatty lump removed (not lipo!)
Jack soldiers on


My blog has evolved and moved to WordPress.  Huge thanks to my very capable friend, Nick Miners, for all his help with looking after this transfer and for stepping in when necessary to write the blog for me when I am indisposed.  Appreciated.


To all of you who brought me horses to snog, fed them or looked after my animals, children and me, an enormous thank you too.  Your constant help and presence made life so much easier.


I have won Haynet Blogger of the Year for the second year running – so proud!


So that is the brief round-up. I will continue writing this is blog and, if you continue to read it, then that is a bonus.

Happy New Year.  2014 is Year of the Horse!


The Perfect Gentleman

(Apologies in advance for the state of photos – on camera phone).

A nice day today so we went for a ride.  Daisy said she wanted to ride her black stallion, Taktur for the first time out and about.  He has only been ridden out by his trainer, Bjørn Roar Larsen.  Bjørn had mentioned to me previously that he wanted Taktur to go out and have some fun rather than just training, training, training with him.  Today seemed the ideal chance.


We set ourselves up to succeed – Daisy wore an oversize hi-viz jacket that said “Young Horse In Training”, we left the shed door and the gate open too in case horse and rider parted company.  Icelandic horses always go home, when buggering off.


Taktur was the perfect gentleman.  He never put a step wrong.  He listened, he cared about his rider (didn’t move a muscle when Daisy got on, cantering beautifully up the track with 100% brakes) and went along side by side with Haakon with his ears pricked enjoying every minute of his day out.


Daisy rode him with a long rein encouraging him to relax.  He was so happy.

IMG_0572 IMG_0580

Taktur really is the most perfect horse.  He is just such a dude.  We went past (twice) two mares, so he said good morning politely to them and continued on ignoring their come-hither smiles.  He would’ve liked to have gone and investigated but he was told once “no”, remembered and kept going.  No argument, no discussion, just excellent manners.  I will admit that I was bricking it to start with but ended up trusting him completely.


I expect everything will change come the spring.  It usually does!

Lyra and Daisy

Daisy misses Lyra when she is away at university so we popped over to the girls’ field in Sandness for a visit.

Lyra was thrilled.  She knew just who I had brought with me.


(I love this picture – the way Lyra shuts her eyes out of happiness).


Of course, Zoot got in on the action too.


But Lyra wouldn’t give up.


At one stage Daisy nearly sank under all the ponies!


Zoot persevered – she thinks Daisy is her’s too.


But Daisy’s heart truly belongs to her Lyra.  It always has.


It was lovely to see these two friends reunited.


(I think I have something in my eye – looks round frantically for a tissue)


The hat was a Christmas present and came from Kinloch Anderson – – it is beautiful and very soft.


I don’t really know what the future holds for Lyra.  Daisy would be furious with us if we sold her (note-to-self, must take her (Lyra, not Daisy) off the For Sale page of our website).  I think Daisy should learn how to show Lyra and take her in the ring for us.


They have this special relationship.  It has been since Lyra’s birth.  She has always just loved Daisy and no one else.  A match made in heaven.

Damn this hayfever, especially at this time of year! (sniff)


Dodgy Neighbours

Today was calm and beautiful.


I heard a scuffle outside so I opened the front door to three boys who were begging.


Daisy, of course, encouraged them.  I blame her entirely.


So the lads tried to barge their way inside.


I do like horses at my door.  OH is not quite so keen and muttered something about not being able to reverse the car as none of the horses would move out of his way. I purposefully stuck my fingers in my ears to ignore the slur on their good characters.  Butter wouldn’t melt.


Poor things were obviously starving and I sent Daisy away for provisions.  They were very grateful but ate it very noisily.


Afterwards, I fed Taktur his Big-And-Strong Stallion mix, Daisy rode Kappi in the school and then we both went for a ride on Haakon and Iacs with BeAnne in tow.  I walked the dogs as well a further 2 miles and am sitting here feeling very smug if a little stiff from all the activity.


It has been an energetic day to make up for yesterday’s slobbery.



It has been a dreich day.  Dark and dismal.  We are all feeling a bit meh or mediocre.  Probably a virus or something.  Nothing we can put our finger on and not something we are shaking off.


I still went for my walk this afternoon.  Daisy rode Iacs and came too.  It was raining so afterwards, I divested myself of my wet clothes and BeAnne and I went to bed for a bit with the electric blanket.


I could’ve stayed there forever.

Shetland moods

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  The rain is meant to stop and we can do some proper horsey things.  Sometimes everything is just too soggy to touch.


(sorry a short one – but I hope I have made up for it with nice expressive photos)