Worrying Day

Today, I mostly spent the day worrying but everything is ok now. Not great, but ok.

Also, last week the septic tank to the house packed up so Floss and I have been living in a state of filth, trying to use minimal water until the tanker came today to empty it.

I have never been so pleased to see “the scent bottle” as it has always been known in this house!

A nice man came with it and he was very helpful and reassuring.

Luckily, and there was a bit of a panic, he had enough hoses for the job.

I had also been worrying about that since booking him last week as I have no idea what 50 metres looks like (I ended up saying just bring as many hoses as you can fit on your lorry!)

This afternoon, for a change of scenery, Floss and I went to the local garden centre and shop.

It was nice to get out.

Christmas appeared to have arrived in full force.  I could not feel less Christmassy if I tried.

Still, I am really looking forward to a bath tonight and some clean clothes.

8 thoughts on “Worrying Day

  1. Sam

    There is nothing worse than delicate plumbing to make one edgy. And it is FAR too soon for any holiday stuff to be out. That being said, I am finishing cross stitch stocking #3 of 4 for this year, that brings the overall total 65+ stocking made. So a nice hot bath with an adult beverage in hand sounds heavenly.

  2. Nancy

    Any post that includes the words “septic tank” – seriously not good. And when I Googled “septic tank”, the results suggested content that might focus a stand-up comedy routine. The colors in the cyclamen shot made my eyes blur — what an awesome camera! Hang in — good (necessary) work.

  3. diane in northern wis

    So sorry to hear about all your worries, Frances. Wow….what a lot of hoses he had to use to pump your place out! So glad you got that done. We used to have to do that at our last house out in the country and there was always some darn thing to worry about! Hope you both enjoyed your nice baths and clean clothes. I can imagine that the sight of Christmas, especially this early, is not all that exciting to you this year. Praying for you and your Mum and family!

  4. Louise Stopford

    Glad that you got the tank sorted out Frances. Yes one less thing for you to worry about. I seem to spend my life in a constant state of worry. They’ll put ‘she worried herself to death’ on my headstone. So I know where you are coming from. Hopefully better days for you very soon.

  5. NancyMac

    Glad the scent bottle has you heading for a hot bath. We call ours the honey wagon in Ontario, Canada. Funny the names different things get in different places.


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