
Over breakfast Daisy, Flossie and I discussed our Cunning Plan.

Then armed with buckets and headcollars, we went over to Leradale and executed it.

It was basically catching the Icelandic mares, Hetja and Brá plus Fivla (old beloved Shetland pony mare) and leading them into the small fenced haypark so Lilja would follow.  Then turning around, taking Hetja and Brá out leaving Lilja with Fivla for company.

Hetja and Brá walked into the horsevan without looking back (with the help of two feedbuckets strategically placed) so they too busy stuffing their faces to shout for Lilja and off we drove to their new field, 4 miles away.

Then Daisy went back to check on Lilja who had been let out of her haypark and was in with the Minions.

Apparently Waffle (and Silver) were being bossy.

Tiddles was ever the gentleman.  Darling Tids – never nasty.

The sun came out after lunch and I went to work.  En route, I checked Lilja again.  She was with Fivla.  Perfect.

Fivla will always look after her new charge and teach her everything she knows about being the nicest horse ever.

As I was leaving, Lilja followed me to see the others who were grazing nearby.  Silver had got over himself.

Note on the left Fivla is following to take charge of her “daughter”.

Lilja wants to make friends.  Vitamin and Waffle were sulking elsewhere.

I left them all grazing happily and peacefully.

Meanwhile, en route to Sandness to pack veg, I went via the mare’s field.  I doubt they’ve lifted their heads or moved.

So, we’ve done it – successfully weaned Lilja.  It was a day I was dreading.  Thank the Gods for Fivla –  still one of the most useful ponies we have.

4 thoughts on “Weaned!

  1. Sam

    Got to love how the elders take on the young for “Manners for Great Horses”. Too bad Waffle and Vitamin are sulking. Their loss. Glad Tiddles was ever the gentleman to Lilja. And figures the Mamas were stuffing their faces – probably doing large sighs of relief that the kids are away. Good job humans!


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