It was a very early start. Judging on the showfield was meant to begin at 09.00, so Team Thordale were on the pitch at 08.30 with all our helpers. This was the silverware we were all competing for. Apparently it is about the “taking part that matters”. Okaaaaaaay!
I wandered about at the beginning, while I could still walk, taking a few snaps.
And then the serious stuff started. PingPong was first in – STALLION, 4 years and over, licensed. Jo was his handler. She did all the hard work, like running. He just had to look gorgeous.
It was a good field, as they say, about 10 competitors, (I think) and Indy was placed first. He was wonderful, a very good boy with perfect manners. The judges loved him and he enjoyed the attention and Jo’s huge snog for being so perfect.
He spent the rest of the day, very happily waiting for the Championships.
Next up were the three girls in MARE, 4 years and over, who have not reared a foal this year. This was a huge class and it was split up into the miniatures first and then standards. We were in the standard class.
First there was Jo with Velvereta.
FIona with Velia….
Then Alan with Verona (roped in and bribed with egg sandwiches). Verona came 2nd in the section and then 3rd overall in the combined class. We were very happy with the result. The judges were over-awed by the high standard apparently.
They all looked superb and it was good to watch.
Indy offered moral support from the sidelines. Bless him, he spent most of the day like this. Just watching, taking it all in including everyone’s spare biscuits and coke (he loves coke).
Much feeding of Oreos and attention from everyone.
Next, PROGENY, two ponies, out of one mare or by one stallion. Well that would be Velvereta and Velia. They won the class. Happy, happy.
The grooms were hard at work behind the scenes. I was on Tramadol No 3 by now.
Another class – GROUP OF THREE PEDIGREE SHETLAND PONIES – We went with Indy, Verona and Velvereta.
They won. I hope I am not sounding like a pot-hunter now because they are an odious species.
And, at the end of the day, and I am talking 19.00 by now (4th Tramadol, I can barely walk) – Indy went into the Championship.
Poor lad was exhausted. By now it was 19.00 and he had been there for nearly over 10 hours. It was getting to be a very long day.
He won Senior Reserve Champion and we are thrilled. He is our best boy.
With that, we loaded them all up and took them home.
I don’t think I have been so tired for ages. Jo, Fiona, Daisy, Arwen and Amber worked their socks off and I can’t thank them enough for everything they did, all in the call of duty.
So, to recap, and because I can, and I am so proud of everyone…. Stallion -1st – Millhouse Independant (won the Tiptigert Shield for Best Shetland Stallion) Mare, 4 years and over, who have not reared a foal this year – 2nd – Standard class – Millhouse Verona, 3rd overall Progeny, two ponies, out of one mare or by one stallion – Threapwood Velia and Threapwood Velvereta (won The Manson Trophy, which no one can find ☹ ) Group of Three Pedigree Shetland Ponies – Threapwood Velia, Threapwood Vevereta, Millhouse Independant (won The Golden Boy of the Isles Trophy – The Perpetual Cup) Reserve Senior Champion – Millhouse Independant (won The Lille Rosendal, Denmark Trophy)
This is Indy’s last show. We have retired him from the show circuit. He has done his bit and achieved all we want.
So that’s it. Everyone did brilliantly. I am still exhausted. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
well done, all that hard work well spent xx
Congratulations!! All the ponies look so beautiful and shiny!
Congratulations to all for a job well done.
Indy looked superb. I love how his legs are like little tree-trunks! 🙂
All the four-leggeds and two-leggeds did fantastically; congratulations!!!
What a magnificent day and magnificent team. Your American friends are all pleased as punch!
Congratulations, what a great day! Way to retire from the show circuit Mr Indy Ping Pong x
Congratulations! So beautiful to see them all – looking absolutely wonderful.
Like button! In the US blue is first, so to my eyes it looks like Indy took the class. What are the green ribbons about?
No idea what the green ribbons were about but I never refuse a rosette!
I think the ‘Best in Sweater’ class could have been won also.
Congrats to all!
Congratulations! You guys had a great day! Indy retired at the top of his game, too! No wonder you were so wiped out afterward.
Loved the photos of the competition; your judges are “much” better dressed than the one’s over here at our fairgrounds!
Congratulations to you all….