It’s been a quiet day for me today, which is just how I like it.
This morning, though, the Oldies demanded waitress service – they couldn’t be bothered to walk – so I had to take their buckets out into their field to them.
When I took the dogs out later, I retrieved the now-empty buckets and cursed everyone’s laziness.
Was anyone grateful?
Well, a bit. Most days the horses pretty much do their own thing, coming down to the gate for breakfast (except for today) and then they wander off again. I only saw them again because I was walking the dogs in their field.
The Minions, on the other hoof, are very needy, constantly trying to get my attention in the hope I will bring hay or food.
And sometimes I do.
The sheep are pretty self-sufficient at the moment, too which is good. They get their breakfast and then wander off somewhere for the rest of the day. Perfect.
I just go about delivering food to everyone. It’s that time of year.
The Minions will be worried about food for a long time. They see you as their savior and provider – meaning every time you see them they want a nibble. But all need calories to survive the winter.
Beautiful atmospheric pictures today.