Guess who came home?
There was a lot of angry butting to start with but they did quickly calm down.
And they told him they were very pleased to see him.
I am so relieved my handsome boy is home – outside the gate there was a small black/white ewe shouting for him to come back but he resisted the urge and has reunited with his friends.
I made a little film. Turn the sound up!
Enjoy. xx
The HD version (better quality)
Thordale from Frances Taylor on Vimeo.
Told you so! Brilliant news
I’m so pleased he came home again so soon this time! It’s cheered me up after a difficult day.
He stories he will have to tell!!!
Phew!! He looked happy to be home!
So like a teenaged boy. Run off with a floozy, hang with the wrong crowd, miss your curfew, cause Muzzah to panic and then saunter home like “what’s up?”. Glad he is back. Given Bert’s reaction, Bert is over the moon to have Ster back home.
Definitely worthy of a BAFTA!
Lovely news!
I think Sam’s comments are so spot-on! Through the smiles, we send our best to all of you (maybe you most, ‘cuz I know the worry this caused). MMR&HSR
HOORAY! The film will surely win an Oscar for Best Foreign Documentary! Uh oh, the problem now is: the others may run away too, one by one, so each will get a film made about himself. Stay watchful!
Love your film. So glad to hear that your boy is back in the fold. Thank goodness.
so happy he is home!
Great News!! Loved the film, thank you. You will be able to have a good weekend now knowing everyone is exactly where they should be … home.
Thanks for the film. A good way to end the week.