UPDATE: The Mare with Hyperlypæmia

I thought you would appreciate an update on the Shetland pony mare who had hyperlipæmia last week.


She is now out all day in a field stuffing her face with green grass (a very rare commodity here in Shetland this time of year).


Her name, by the way, is Roseblossom and she is 14 years old.


She is one of the lucky ones – she made it!


The vet came to see her yesterday and took blood. He said there were no traces of hyperlipæmia in her blood anymore which was the best news.


I did not realise this but “The condition has a high mortality rate of between 60 and 100 per cent,” Management of Equine hyperlipaemia by Anna Hammond


So we did well, very well and between us, we fought the odds.  Poor Roseblossom was put through hell.  The treatment was constant interference by us.   I remember her lying down to die on the floor with her head in my arms on the Sunday night.  Her owner and I were willing her to live with all our strength while we waited for the vet to arrive.


Roseblossom still has a long way to go (both mentally and physically) and I think she will be different pony from this huge experience.  It has affected us all in some way.


But we did it and she is still here.  That is all that matters.

A huge thank you for all your prayers, thoughts, vibes and help – it gave us the strength we so desperately needed.

16 thoughts on “UPDATE: The Mare with Hyperlypæmia

  1. Linda

    YOU DID IT! What wonderful news, and with the odds against you. You worked so hard with her, and gave Roseblossom the incentive and strength to rally. Cheers all around!!

  2. Cathy

    You have made my day. So glad to see her looking better. I love the idea of a pony called Roseblossom, a bit Midsummer Nights Dream! Hugs to her, and all of you who have got her through it.

  3. Terri

    I’ve been waiting for this post, not daring to ask how she was faring, but assuming that “no news is good news.” How appropriate that she is called Roseblossom, my favorite flower (I thought about her with every stitch I knitted last week). Congratulations, pats on the back, and hugs to everyone involved in her care — you can all take credit for having turned the dire situation around. (Perhaps the “Tinker Bell Effect” took over and those of us in your audience helped will her back to life too!) xos

  4. Linda K

    Well done! With all the effort you invested in getting her well again, she didn’t dare give up! I want to give her a hug and tell her what a very lucky pony she is to have had such excellent care. I hope she continues to improve and that more green grass is on the way.

  5. darby

    this is such wonderful news! I have been thinking about the mare and wondering how she was
    doing. so happy all your hard work resulted in a positive outcome. such a pretty name,Roseblossom,
    for a pretty girl. hoping she has many years ahead of her.

  6. Sam

    Such good news! Congrats to Roseblossom to listening to the humans and hanging on. Keeping her in my prayers for a full recovery, mind and body. You did good!

  7. Nicki

    Great news for Roseblossom. A very well done to all the nursing staff on call in Shetland. A job well done.


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