Training Day 2

These are the photos from our second day’s training from Elisabeth Jansen, Assistant Professor at Hólar University College, Iceland.

In the morning, Daisy went in with Kappi.

And the poles were out!

Kappi has not seen trotting poles (with us) so he made the executive decision to jump them.

I love this – he sniffed, he thought….

And his next stride was to jump.

The poles were put up and the jump therefore became bigger or “scopey” as it is known in show-jumping circles.

And then Elisabeth and Daisy concentrated on Kappi’s gaits.

A little break and it was Taktur’s turn.  He got the same pole training.

Again, Taktur has never seen a trotting pole.

But he managed and stretched.

The poles helped him to lift his legs up.

The girls were impressed!

Poor Taktur, he was looking so beautiful but was totally ignored.

What’s a guy supposed to do to be noticed around here?

The spectators spectated.

Last up from Thordale was Flossie on her horse Klængur.  Again, he has never seen a trotting pole.  We just don’t do them.  Perhaps we should.

First they managed fine in walk.

And then in tölt.

There was even some jumping (Floss has never “jumped” before but gave it her best). Klængur looks like a medieval tapestry horse!

They were soon taking it all in their stride.

There may have been bribery involved too.

So all in all a good two days training for everyone.

A change of scenery for us anyway is always fun – It was nice to meet new people and to see old friends.

7 thoughts on “Training Day 2

  1. Margaret Robinson

    Where is this? Who can have a bad attitude when the sea is right there and one gets to ride around in such wonderful environs. So impressive as were the ladies and horses.

  2. Terri

    Very interesting to “observe” training — thanks. Three beautiful Icelandics! (not just the Handsome Prince)

  3. diane in northern wis

    Awesome pictures of your beautiful horses and beautiful daughters!….beautiful scenery too! Always so fun to come along with you on your trips. Thanks for sharing!


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