To the Vet

Kappi and Waffle are going to the Icelandic Horse British Championships in Spalding, Lincolnshire in June – Kappi to compete with Daisy onboard and Waffle as company for Kappi.

We chose Waffle because he is the best behaved in any situation.  I trust him.

While we were going to the vet, we decided to carry another potential patient.

Dear Lambie.  He is lame on and off and it is worrying me.  I have cleaned and sprayed his feet (foot rot) but he still doesn’t run right.  A Muzzah knows.

So we collected Waffle en route from Lyradale drove down the road to Bixter.

Lambie was first up and he jumped out happy to be freed.  He has never been in the van and bleated every 10 seconds.  I led Lambie across the road to be examined.

Jim, our vet, made a thorough inspection of Lambie.  The diagnosis is that Lambie has arthritis.  Jim could feel crepitus in his left shoulder.   Poor Lamb-Lamb……

…who was furious (this is his very cross face).

Jim asked me to take a photo as it is rare for tame sheep to visit like this.  Lambie refused to co-operate.



This is Lambie’s parting shot of complete loathing before I bundled him back into the van.

Next up, Jim introduced himself to Waffle.

And then Kappi.

The two boys had their jags – tetanus and flu – and we will back in a month for the rest.

I don’t think Waffle even noticed.

He was happy to come out of the van and eat the grass on the side of the road.

Jim could then inject Kappi.

Waffle loaded back in and we drove him back to his field.

Kappi said goodbye to his little friend.

The first ones up to Waffle were his original Minion friends (interesting to note).

Then everyone else arrived.

We went home to those we left behind.

Now, what to do for Lambie.  Arthritis is miserable.  I am looking into turmeric for him.    Do not Google “turmeric shoulder lamb”.  No good will come of it.

14 thoughts on “To the Vet

  1. Katie

    Ok I needed that laugh! Best comment yet :”Do not Google “turmeric shoulder lamb”. No good will come of it.”

    Thanks for all of your stories 🙂

  2. Sam

    Here Lambie thought he off on a Grand Adventure. Only to be Lamb handled by a vet! Pshaw!
    Sorry to hear about his shoulder. Love the waiting party of two’s faces!

  3. Sabine

    Hi there, I’m Sabine from Germany. I’ve never seen a van as a horse transporter. It’s great, if you have some spare time I would love to see and hear more of it.

    1. Frances Post author

      It is a Renault Master long wheelbase, high top van bought off EBay and converted by a good firm in Hampshire,England, thoroughly recommend it. Easy to drive and horses are happy.

  4. Gwen Jamieson

    oh that was good, I enjoyed the graphics, had a laugh but I do not think poor lambie will end up with turmeric sauce , he will always be a pet sheeps

  5. Terri

    Lovely post (minus Lambie’s diagnosis). Was especially moved by how the original Minions came to greet Waffle upon his return. How exciting that he will journey abroad as companion to Kappi! (well, kinda abroad)

  6. Sherry Walter

    Just noticed the time on my comment, here in Wisconsin USA it’s only 7:10 pm, I haven’t seen anything after midnight in a long time!

  7. Nancy

    We’ve been using that wonderful golden paste for our riding club’s older horses and it seems to be doing them some good! Hopefully Lambie will take to it as well!

  8. Carol E

    Oh, poor Lambie. I would think those cold damp winds would be bad for arthritis — I’d think he’d have to live in the house. With a nice bed next to a heat source.

    Is it unusual for sheep to get arthritis so young? I hope you find a same anti-inflammatory remedy for him.

  9. thecrazysheeplady

    I am trying meloxicam for an arthritic sheep here and it seems to be working. Vet prescribed but pick up at a people pharmacy. I gave a loading dose for a few days and now dropped back to every other day although he did not seem to suffer any side affects while daily.

  10. Carol Morley

    I’m sorry Lambie has arthritis. I’ve been giving our 9 year old collie tumeric sausages for a few months because she started being stiff and staggering a little when she got up. I am too clumsy to manage to make Golden Paste without dyeing myself, my clothes and the kitchen yellow!

    It has worked and she’s moving properly again. I hope it works for Lambie if you decide to try it.


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