Tired After all the Worry

After yesterday’s excitement, I spent the morning with a stonking migraine.  I am not surprised at this.  The stress over Monster’s absence was too huge for me and my imagination to cope with.

A massive four day gale (with sheet rain in the morning) has also begun and everyone was happy enough indoors in the morning, though OH took the dogs out later for a walk as Pepper started climbing off the walls.  Luckily, the rain had stopped by then.  Ted would’ve happily never moved from his bed again but he did go, if grudgingly.

Ditto Monster – he hasn’t moved all day either and I am secretly pleased.

With my migraine, I had a quiet morning and then into my shed to make a sheep.  Afterwards, I went over with an apple to check on the Ancients who all came racing down.  A quarter each and the last bit bitten into two pieces for the old men.  Sorry, Kolka.

The gale will continue for days.  Tomorrow is blowier (gusting F11 – 64-72mph) with more rain so that won’t be fun. The old ladies have their rain-sheets on and are nice and dry.  After breakfast this morning, I opened the gate and moved all the ponies into their old field where there is better shelter for a few days.  It really is very fierce outside and not much fun, especially when it rains.

5 thoughts on “Tired After all the Worry

  1. Sam

    So sorry you have an after effect of Monster’s unintended adventure. While we don’t have your gales, Saturday will bring 2″ of rain in Southern New England, while north of us will see 12″-28″ of snow.

  2. Judith

    I’m sorry you are feeling poorly and tired out. It was very stressful losing Monster and the gales must be horrible. I used to get migraine a lot but discovered I am allergic to certain foods which set it off. The worst is chocolate which I can’t eat at all. The next is cheese although I eat it once every four days and that way it doesn’t make me ill. Then there are peanuts which I don’t eat at all. I hope you are better soon – it’s a dreadful affliction. x

  3. Shelley

    Frances – I’m always curious when you say that the equines will have more shelter if you move them to a different field but to me the field looks like all the other fields.. What’s the difference?

    I’ve had one short series of excrutiating headaches in twenties as a result of the birth control pills I was taking. Honestly I don’t know how you cope with migraines.

    1. Frances Post author

      the other field (where they are) has an old “Tattie rig” (potato field) that has dry-stone walls all the way around at the bottom of the valley so they can stand where they need to and avoid the worst of the wind.

  4. Suzanne Kelly

    Let’s hope this is the last storm until the lovely weather comes. So sorry that all the excitement resulted in a migraine. How awful for you. Unfortunately I know how bad those can be. Wishing you good weather in a speedy recovery.


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