
Another very cold and crispy walk at 07:00 this morning.

I felt brave and so, armed with visible and loud dog-treats, I let Ted off the lead in strategic places of the walk. He was a good boy…. so far….. (again, he has previous and Mum always walked him on a lead because he ran off a few times).  We will see.  He can make his own choices.

I also had a migraine most of the day so will keep this short. Ted and I are now curled up on the sofa watching a film (MIB International – though I have just watched all the Addams Family films, and then Ghostbusters (2016 version) with a hot water bottle.  Later I will cook myself some Jiaozi (餃子) followed by an early night.

I hate being this tired.  I think it is from having to wear clean and tidy clothes as well as being nice all the time. It’s killing me!

5 thoughts on “Tired

  1. carol

    It’s hard for me to be nice and smile all the time too. Wear sweat pants at home and on your walks, it makes a big difference in comfort!

  2. diane in northern wis

    Glad you got out for a good walk, even if so cold and frosty out there. Hope you’re feeling better soon, Frances. Take good care.


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