Did your kids have Tidy-Up-Time at Nursery?
Well, mine did and that phrase has stuck. Jo and I have been meaning for ages to have a tidy-up-time in the indoor school, putting stuff where it is meant to be and not where it has ended up.
The new dog club in Shetland, Utlima Canis, arrived in droves today to help, sort out and settle themselves in a corner of my agricultural shed/indoor riding school. The corner we set aside for them needed to be sorted out first so Jo and Richard attacked it with gusto.
Our dogs stayed out of the training area and they happily got in our way. This is Snati’s pathetic face while we try to move the benches while he sits on them.
BeAnne did some Meet and Greet but, to be honest, she was not keen. She liked the idea far more than she liked the dogs.
This darling little Border Terrier got told his manners in no uncertain terms.
But mostly BeAnne stuck with me and I wandered about ineffectively (please don’t give me another bollocking, honestly, I touched nothing – if you don’t believe me ask Jo)
Meanwhile Ultima Canis did some of what they do, like Ringcraft and stuff (stuff means I was not watching so haven’t really got a clue).
The caravan is on its way out but the battery in the Land Rover has mysteriously died so it will go to its summer location sometime next week.
They all seemed happy enough working around it.
Luckily, for our non-working dogs, a lovely gentleman turned up and BeAnne spent her time talking to him since he was not busy.
Once he had fallen under her spell, Snati (Jo’s collie pup) decided he could join in too.
I suppose none of our dogs are used to other dogs being in the shed. It is their territory and they are happy enough with each other’s company and know the drill. To see other dogs inside must be very strange and disturbing to them.
This is BeAnne retreating having investigated the training scene. You can see her think no, this was not her type of thing. Her face says it all.
I really do need to go for a ride. I need to, but I won’t. If you knew me, you would understand why. BeAnne has had some Rescue Remedy.
that was no gentleman! That was our treasurer Mike Bailey! Although Mike and his long-suffering partner Anne Barron are (currently) dogless they are kindly supporting the group with their assorted and valuable skills!
If BeAnne loved him, he is a gentleman.
Tidy-Up Time is not just for nursery. It was the best part of the day in my primary classroom! 🙂
Border Terrier ‘Barnes’ would like to apologies for his over-enthusiastic self introduction to BeAnne and promises to behave like a genleman on their next meeting!
Thank you for today Frances et al 🙂 Denise & Barnes