No lamb yet and Edna is doing well.
I am not sure whether she is about to give birth.
Or if we have a few more days’/weeks’ to go. I am new to this game.
Edna remains very affectionate (comes up for kisses) but likes to take herself off to be by herself too. Either that or Madge is less clingy.
She is also rolling which I have never noticed before. Both are slightly less food-orientated now which might be because the Spring grass is coming in and everyone is actually going into a field for the day. Who knew sheep lived in fields!?
Madge is also doing splendidly.
We have decided she is probably half or part something else. A Cheviot cross?
She has the loveliest eyes and they have softened too. She still likes to cling to her Bat-Shit-Crazy persona but she is trying her best to be tamer. She will take a biccie from me and I can catch her, rugby-tackle-stylee.
Madge has put on weight nicely too and she assures me she isn’t pregnant.
I hope she is right.
Meanwhile Lambie et al (aka the Boyzenberries) tell me that they will be kind and helpful uncles.
Dear boys.
You can see I have finally got my head around Edna being pregnant and now I’m quite excited.
Good to hear that Edna and Madge are doing well. Will Madge need to be sheared or will enough or her wool naturally ‘roo’ off? It will probably take a lot of biscuits/treats to overcome that experience if she has to get plopped on her rear by a stranger and mowed with the buzzer!
Everyone stay safe.
M in NC
my shearer saw her and thought she might need a shear. She will be caught and tipped and sheared, no matter what.
Morning. Having a sheep sheared prior to lambing helps with lamb finding teat, less germs transferring to lamb, etc. Beneficial in the long run. When the vulva turns pink, she’s ready to lamb, cleat mucus discharge and she’s starting. Best of luck!
Thank you. All good to know. It is only 8 degrees here (some days up to 10) so I think shearing her would be wrong.
I have learned so much about sheep from you and your little flock. I see that they each have such distinct personalities and each has a whole range of complex emotions. I have always liked them to be sure, but I now have a whole new appreciation of them. And the girls are looking so well. hoping all goes well with Edna’s delivery.
It’ll be like having a new Lambie all over again, except you won’t have to do all the work.
I think the girls have beautiful faces.
Teats are still pointing down. When udder gets full enough that they start pointing more sideways, you are very close. That, and her vulva will get VERY puffy and pink – much more so than in the photo you last shared.
A “grandma-ma without even knowing it at first! You’ll be fine and I’m quite sure everyone will be thrilled with a baby around to “oooo and ahhh” about.
I’m excited, too. I can ‘t wait for the new baby pics.
Probably a Texel/Shetland cross. I’d have expected her to be a bit taller if she’s a Cheviot cross, and have bigger, more upright ears.
I dont think she is fugly enough to be Texel. They remind me of maths teachers.