The Shetland Klibber

A klibber is a traditional wooden pack saddle worn by the Shetland pony to carry either kishies (willow or docken baskets) or meshies (nets).

They were used to carry the peats home.

Here is a young Fivla wearing one with two kishies and two terriers, Jack-et Potato and BeAnne Duvet when she was a puppy.

Many moons ago, we used to make klibbers complete with straps and girth and but haven’t done for a while.

A few weeks ago I received an email from someone asking if we made klibbers.  My OH, who did the original woodwork constructing bit, agreed to make a few.

So, the Shetland klibber is back in production again just minus the straps.

They are incredibly useful and can be easily kitted out by the purchaser.  Any reputable leatherworker could attach some straps to go with a girth.

Once made, we carefully wrap the klibber and post it out, minus Monster, the cat!

Cost?  £60.00 plus postage which was £13.14 to an address in the UK.   We are happy to post abroad if you are happy to pay the postage.

So let me know if you are interested.  Klibbers are incredible useful for a number of tasks that a Shetland pony, or any equine for that matter, is willing to carry.  They can be made in different sizes too – bigger or smaller.

Look, look, a young Daisy too (she is going to kill me!)

36 thoughts on “The Shetland Klibber

    1. Frances Post author

      A friend, many years ago had one made for her sheeple who were extremely well behaved.

      No, I have never mentioned this to Lambie who is awol anyway!

    2. Lucinda Martinez

      How can I contact you? I have a Shetland pony aged 4 ish and am looking for something akin to your klibber to use with her.
      Thank you!

  1. Terri

    If I owned a pony or horse (or sheep or large dog), I’d gladly buy one! Thanks for the Scottish word lesson. It was nice to see early photos of your family, including a young Fivla. (and dear Jack!)

    1. Frances Post author

      My partner has a very small klibber for your pony in stock. Postage to Norway? We will find out and get back to you. It may take a week as I am going south tomorrow and back on the 11th December before I can get a postal quote. If you email me on, I can send you some photos of the klibber with measurements.

  2. Margaret Robinson

    Wow – these are pieces of artwork! I been on long horseback trips where we packed in with mules. They had something similar (though not quite as elegant). Theirs, however, were not made with wood, but a lighter weight material and huge canvas panniers. I’d opt for yours!

  3. helen

    Exactly what I’ve been looking for for my 13.2 native pony. I used them on donkeys in Africa. I don’t need the beautiful polished finish, tho – A very rustic and simple version would be great! Could you give me an idea of cost, please? Thank you! Also, please tell me, are your leather straps ‘rivetted’ on?

    (I am on mainland Scotland, so ‘normal’ postage, or I could possibly collect some time as I’ve friends on a croft near Lerwick that I keep meaning to visit…)


    1. Frances Post author

      A klibber is £60 plus postage of about £14.00.

      The klibber comes with no leatherwork or padding. The originals had riveted on leather straps.

      If you are interested, please email me next week, when I am home, and I can send you some more photos.

      My email is

  4. Carol Espinosa

    How wonderful that you and OH are making klibbers available again! Another important piece of Shetland history that still has a very good use (I wonder if the Museum has/needs some?)

    If OH decides to make jumper boards, a number of knitters have hoped to find them. You could post a note on Ravelry in one of the Shetland groups.

  5. Vicki

    Little Jacket Potato.

    Daisy and Fivla – what a stunning photo, there’s just something about it, her look, the beauty of her and the little pony.

  6. helen douglas

    Hi – I did write about two months ago asking if you would make a klibber for my Eriskay pony, but no reply….. Could you? Please? It would need to be a bit bigger than for a Shetland, and I’d prefer it unpolished…

    1. Frances Post author

      Hi, I have messaged you on FB. Total grovelling apologies for not replying earlier. I must’ve missed it. xx

  7. Sarah Ferris

    Do you still have any Klibbers available? I have a mini and standard and would be very interested in purchasing.

  8. Robyn

    I am interested in buying a Klibber for my standard shetland. Could you pass my email onto your partner who makes them. Also where can you get the kishies from? These are just what i need to enable me to use Percy (shetland pony) to carry things around our smallholding 🙂


    Love my Klibber which you made for me back in 20 14 when i did a charity trek. Still use it now. Happy to provide you with details of week will make the straps for you. When you were out of production, i made a copy. We just need to find someone to make the Kishies and Flakkies now. Thank you

  10. Claire BEAUMARD

    I’d be interested in a Klibber, please, for our Shetland pony.
    Do you still make some ?
    I’m French, living in France.
    Thanks in advance.
    Claire BEAUMARD


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