The Roses

Mum loves her roses.  She has been growing every kind of rose here ever since I can remember and they are always beautiful.  Part of my childhood.  She always used to send back to my flat in London with roses.  Sometimes she would send me back with cats.

🏵 😺 🏵 😺 🏵 😺 🏵 😺 🏵 😺 🏵 😺 🏵

Rosa ragosa (white) – Rosa rugosa ‘Alba’

Wild foxgloves grow around the garden too.  Mum “rescues” them!

“The Magician” – a climbing rose that never climbed!

Félicité et Perpétue (a rambling rose that used climb the chains like Queen Mary’s garden in Regent’s Park, London).  This rose has been here since the 1960’s.

“Gypsy Boy” (a climber)


Eden Rose

Swan Lake – a modern climber, utterly perfect but absolutely no scent which, for me, is the biggest disappointment.  I love the shape but I so it want to smell right.

Parade – a climbing rose


Seagull – a rambler that has actually rambled!

Josephine Bruce – this rose smells divine, a very pure rose scent.

It has been raining and the garden smells lovely.  A deep rose scent surrounds us.

And this is a nose by any other name (!) –  Pip is on top form and our early morning walks are a delight.

Meanwhile, Daisy sent me this photo.  She is riding my old Icelandic horse, Haakon.  Apparently they went up to the canter track and back for a good old plod.

Me?  Jealous.

Meanwhile, BeAnne has been doing her yoga.  Apparently this is her interpretation of “downward dog”.

13 thoughts on “The Roses

  1. Sam

    Does Eden Rose smell as lovely as it looks? We have several David Austin climbing roses here. With any luck the April temps will leave so the roses can bloom this weekend.

    1. Frances Post author

      No, nothing, no smell at all – it is a modern rose but Mum bought it for its shape.

      Another olfactory disappointment!

  2. Gwen

    lovely roses, my favouite would be Swan Lake. and such a lovely variety of roses

    Of course BAnne is keeping fit? too and keeping Ddaisy company haha

  3. Beth heth

    The Eden Rose has no scent? A huge disappointment! It is quite the loveliest rose I’ve ever seen. Missing shots of the babies growing up, hope you can get home soon. Take care of your Self.

  4. Margaret Robinson

    These roses are simply stunning – what a beautiful garden!

    Back home it seems like everyone has a job (which means you usually do a lot). Enjoy the time with your Mum.

  5. Sharon

    I have a Seagull rose as well – almost 30 years old. We have had a very late spring here (Vancouver Island, BC). I always enjoy your photos, these ones of the roses are stunning.

  6. Nancy

    I have no green thumb whatsoever, so only the hardy ivy type things can survive in my apartment! ha ha!
    I wish your Mom could teach me a thing or two about gardening!

    It sounds like you both have the same quality of saving poor minions (in her case, kitties?).
    What a lovely trait to have! =)

  7. Louise Stopford

    Absolutely beautiful garden and the roses and fantastic (your Mum must be a very keen gardener). Do I sense a bit of homesickness from you?

  8. Terri

    Thank you for these lovely photos. Roses are my favorite flower, and I grow many — but they must be fragrant, that’s the basic requirement! I’m glad you are in a pretty place during a sad time, and that you have Pip to accompany you on your walks. Your beloved BeAnne and the rest of the gang are surely in good hands at home. Take care.


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