I have been asked by Taktur’s trainer to get more grass into him as he is lacking energy and “willingness”.
I looked around for a suitable companion and I have to say I struggled.
Klaengur looks like a Comtois horse after just 12 hours in The Fat Field.
The rest aren’t much better either.
In theory, I should put all the Minions in with Taktur but they have a very bad habit of crawling under all the internal fences to get to other fields, leaving Taktur on his own, which he would hate.
So I chose just one Minion – Storm, who could always do with a bit extra because he is speshul.
So after Taktur’s brekkie, I put them both into The Fat Field, where Taktur stood bemused for a while and Storm got down to the necessaries.
Taktur is impossible. He is not food-orientated at all. Not like some *** cough, Kappi, Iacs and Haakon, cough ***
Taktur would rather sit and sniff the flowers in the field.
It is just the way he is. He’s always been Ferdinand the Bull.
So, I left them to it and I hope Storm does not creep under the fence as is his wont!
Oh yes, and I heard a very odd noise outside the backdoor, so I crept outside with my camera to be confronted by the Shetland version of the Hitchcock film, The Birds.
The noise was very loud and very ominous (as I now remembered the plot of this film).
I think that is what is known as a Murmuration of Starlings and luckily they all flew away.
Ugh, I hate that film. Too scary for me.
Ahhh! So many birds! I hope Storm and Taktur become besties! 🙂