The Minions Move

The Minions are over at Jo’s for a few weeks so Daisy and I went to see them with carrots.  They were very pleased to see us, or the carrots.  Personally I think it was the carrots.


Tomorrow, the boys will be castrated by our vet.  While they are under anaesthetic, we are going to clip the rest of their tats off and get them ready for a stress-free summer.  They hate having their tats pulled off so it makes sense to do it while they are asleep.

Storm’s are under his belly, between his legs and his ears need a good seeing-to.


Silver is matted and he is beginning to stop talking to folk as all they do is pull his fur off, which he hates.  I know he will be grateful to wake up to find it all gone (perhaps not his balls, though!)


Waffle is in dire need of a good clip.  He gets very hot in the summer sun and he hates it.  He is always grateful to be groomed but a once-over clip will take the whole lot away.


They are still my dear little boys, though and Jo was sighing in exasperation when we popped by.  Apparently she had spent some time untangling them from the electric fence (not switched on) which they were determined to wear.


They are still very cheeky and very photogenic.


Daisy and I are missing them but they will be back soon and then be able to be introduced into polite society.  At the moment, this is impossible for obvious reasons!


A little known fact, The Minions are smaller than your average docken plant (or dock).

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It feels like Gulliver’s Travels sometimes.


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