The Many Moods of Lambie

Lambie, talk to me, please….. Or at least say hello.

Ok, well bad light (end of the day), so bad photo.

(then he walked off with the others while I was left to shut the gate and put the ducky-wuckies to bed.  Thanks, guys, don’t wait for me. I’ll just catch up later!)

Attempt #2.

Hi Lambie. Is that a Winning Smile for me?

Hang on, let me just put the flash on the camera…… faff, faff ….. but, no.  Fail.  Typical Lambie and possibly typical me too.

Ok, let’s go for natural light from the house’s outside lights and you can look like the majestic sheep you are and I am at a distance (Anyone want him for a Nativity Play – he looks like he is listening to the Angel Gabriel annoucing the birth of Jesus to the shepherds).

And there it is…. Lambie’s Winning Smile.   But, to be completely truthful, this was taken on a different day while I was holding a large box of treats!  I am very well trained.

2 thoughts on “The Many Moods of Lambie

  1. Suzanne Kelly

    Always happy to see pictures of everyone’s favourite sheep, Lambie. That last one is just too endearing for words.

    Hope all are well; well hope the winter isn’t too awful, but I guess the amazing skies and some Northern lights makeup for it if it.


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