It is Sunday. We run out of carrots. It happens. We get over it!
No, we really do!
After the boys went back out into their grot field to mooch about looking for grass, having eaten a full belly’s-worth of silage all day (oh, how they suffer!), I happened on a few carrots which I duly distributed as fairly as I could.
Everyone came up for a carrot or had a carrot thrown to them.
Some were a bit more cool about it than others!
Using the Power of The Mind
Slightly less cool (you can see where we’re going here)….
And then there are The Many Faces of Desperation.
And his cousin, “I really want one but then again there is the mud and I can’t be arsed” or Iacs, as he is better known.
I tried calling Iacs up for his carrot but, no, he couldn’t or wouldn’t so, in the spirit of fair play and praying like mad to Karma that I didn’t get stuck in the mud, I went over and gave him his carrot. That mud is unforgiving and is not dissimilar to the Swamp of Sadness.
Meanwhile, the little ones don’t trouble themselves with petty worries and have a silage pile almost higher than themselves, a lovely shed and some green stuff, if they need.
At least I can sleep at night knowing Iacs got his carrot! We are now out of carrots. It is official.
My silly-billy-frilly Mr Bimble!
This post made me think of me, my Daughter and Son-in-Law driving to the barn where we have our ponies/horse. We have the same conversation each time ” do we have enough carrots or do we need to stop at the supermarket?” heaven forbid there are not enough to go around! and of course you can’t ignore the nickers of the other resident equines. this really put a smile on my face!
Must be that Silly Frilly to get you to wade thru the grotty field to give a carrot to a Silly Boy.
Can’t stop smiling! Mr. Bimble has you well-trained. Smart boy.