OH was working on the Land Rover after its long trip south.
(or should that be Lamb Drover – see what DAISY did there, geddit?)
Yes, that would be DAISY. She was on top form today.
She also said it had 4 wool drive!
All the seats were removed for this immense project.
When OH went into the house to get some essential piece of kit….
…. he was followed by two devoted “oily rags”.
Please blame Daisy for all these jokes. Not me. She is entirely responsible. I know nothing.
So, the sun was shining briefly and then the mist descended. Everyone was around the outside of the house (though Kappi and Taktur are still in quarantine for a few more days) as I think we have not nearly had enough Minion time this summer. They duly made themselves known and came up for hugs, nose-kisses and scratching.
This is a typical Sunday afternoon for us
– in as much as we all sit in the buttercups and watch OH, plus anyone who wants to offer their help.
Do you think Haakon is saying “you’re doing that wrong”?
Very clever Daisy. Word puns are my favorite type of humor. Well done Daisy
Well done on the puns, Miss Daisy. The LambDogs seem to be herding OH in the right direction….sorry!
It was too sheepish of me.
Adorable photographs! Really shows the fun on the farm! 🙂