The Family Resemblance

Yesterday, after brushing and photographing phones (how we suffer), I wanted to do something I’ve been meaning to do for ages……


To sit in the field with Lambie’s father, Puzzah to take photos.  Puzzah has been sold so this will be my last chance.


Puzzah is an awesome dude – a registered Shetland flockbook ram.


He is also very tame so I had a chat too.


I wish we could have Puzzah but I think Lambie would be appalled at this idea and anyway Puzzah is sold and destined to make more little brothers and sisters for Lambie.


I am looking at both of them to see if there is a family resemblance.

Definitely the eyes.  They both have beautiful eyes.


And perhaps the Winning Smile, though Puzzah should practice this more and Lambie should tell him that the world would be his with a Winning Smile.

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But, and now I have the answer, they both have the same platypus tail!


I always wondered where Lambie’s tail came from and even wondered if he was (said in a whisper) abnormal.


Suddenly, it all makes perfect sense!


I am glad that mystery is solved.

9 thoughts on “The Family Resemblance

  1. Linda

    Puzzah is very grand looking – and I could just see him talking in a very proper, deep English accent.
    You know those aristocrats (all the inbreeding, etc.) that’s probably where the platypus tail came from…generations ago.
    And I’m glad to see Lambie breaking that mold – not a pompus bone in his little wooly body that one – the only thing I can see coming from him (in a anthropomorphic sense) would be laughter!

  2. Nancy

    For those of us who are not sheep-knowledgable, what is unusual about Lambie’s tail??
    Is it longer than the average?? Wider??

  3. Carol E

    Puzzah is a magnificent beast! I hope he is staying in the vicinity, not going off-island?

    I am very proud to have his fleece, although at the moment it has me beat. He has a very classic “primitive” Shetland fleece (I’m told) with the long coarser outer hair and the most heavenly downy fur as an undercoat. It’s like angora bunny fur. There is a lot of white flakey/sticky stuff at the base of the wool (skin-side) which seems to be a build-up of a winter’s worth of lanolin.

    I tried multiple hot scours and even froze a bit of the wool to see if I could get the downy part separated. I’ve tried using combs, cards, paddles, hackles…it’s easy to pull off the long guard hairs but the downy stuff stays stuck together with the lanolin — I’d just love to make a soft yarn with the down. I put out a request for help on Ravelry and both Hazel Tindall and Elizabeth Johnston responded!

    Elizabeth said “Sounds like you have what we call a ‘scadder’ fleece. I don’t separate the 2 layers. The inner layer is usually very very soft. As to what you are calling dandruff or dried skin – it isnt either of those. It is the grease – lanoline. The ram has produced a lot over winter when the fleece is not growing, which then builds up and can dry out to form those flakes. If you rub one between your fingers it should melt. It does not wash out well but it should not interfere with hand spinning. If it does then you can comb it out either with a flick carder or a dog comb.”

    I think her skills are vastly superior to mine! I’m going to a workshop with Deborah Robson next month and I hope she’ll be able to teach me. She’s been doing very deep research into the origins and characteristics of Shetland sheep and is expert at fleece processing and spinning.

    My lovely little minion-down pony with Lambie mane and tail is very treasured and causes awe wherever I take it.

    Thank you so much for making them both available.

    1. Frances Post author

      No, I think he is going to Burra (which is technically another island but just not very far).

      You are doing marvels with the fleece. I never realised it would be such a chore. Keep going and I can’t wait to see the results.

      Btw, if you know anyone who would like Lambert’s fleece (moorit), please let me know. I was handed it the other day after he was sheared.

      I am very pleased you love your Minion.

  4. SusanF

    I agree with Linda. Puzzah is magnificent. I’m sure Lambie will grow to be his equal. I’m sorry you must part with him, but I suppose it’s important. Not having ever had any live stock, I’m not sure how it all works. Still you have those fine photos and good memories. I just discovered your blog this evening. What wonderful photos.

  5. Sam

    Puzzah certainly passed on his winning smile to Lambie. Such a dignified ram. But Lambie’s humorous twinkle in his eye is what won me over. Haven’t started on the fleece you sent me, the Maine Coons start drooling every time I take it out. Either they love the smell of sheep or the air from Shetland is a drug to them.


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