Taktur hasn’t done much this last month apart from stuff his face and look gorgeous.
As Bjørn and Jo were both at Thordale, the weather wasn’t bad and the omens looked good, I put it to them that Bjørn should ride Taktur out on a short hack while Jo and I rode shotgun on Iacs and Haakon.
My theory was that Iacs and Haakon are 100% safe out and about so Taktur would have no one to copy if shit happened. Horses seem to learn best from other horses. It worked fine. I had been taking Taktur on a few walks, just him and me, up the track and along the road so he was used to leaving Thordale and the herd.
We didn’t go very far, probably a mile or so and Taktur was very happy and relaxed. Bjørn asked him to stand and wait while Haakon and Iacs walked on and he did, totally unpeturbed. So that was all a huge success. Taktur will be shod on his back feet probably this Sunday and Jo and Bjørn can go start the next stage of his training.
Once home, the Fat Boys were put back into their field and I fed Taktur his daily grub.
The Fat Boys were not impressed with this. I could sense resentment and disappointment but my argument is that we don’t have any more wider saddles.
So all in all a good morning. Taktur is doing very well.
(apologies for the crappy pictures – taken with my iPod and most of them had my arm, coat, were upsidedown or of some unknown field I had taken by mistake)