
I swithered at breakfast and I made the rookie mistake of taking off Fivla’s rug because the weather-forecast was good.

And everyone walked out of the muddy field to their better pasture while Fivla took herself to stand by the gate to tell me she wanted her rug right back on. By the time I came back outside, she’d moved into the shed and I knew she meant business.  It was also now raining.

So the rug went back on and I gave her a new sample of minerals for her joint function made from the ground horns of gilded unicorns to see if that would help her too.  Feeling warmer, Fivla then left to join the herd and I sucked my teeth and swithered about my decision that morning,

After lunch, I went out to see Fivla and her rug.

I swithered a bit more about whether she should or should not be wearing it. The forecast is pretty nice for a while – but it is cold (RealFeel -2C).

However, I did notice that Fivla was more alert and much chattier – so is it the rug or the supplement?  She is not warm either, just the right temperature.

She showed me that she was walking well in it, which was another worry I was having.

Meanwhile, Pepper was happily chatting to Newt.

So sweet.

I left them all swithering about whether to buy another rug with slight fill (50g) just because we are not truly out of winter and it’s always good to have a second in the wings……

Once home, I bought 60 sachets of the supplement too!

And swithering, for those that don’t know, means “to be uncertain as to which course of action to choose” which really sums up my whole day!

10 thoughts on “Swithering

  1. Sam

    Swithering in my house is “the hum-a-das” – as in too many option, no clear way forward. At least Fivla gave you clear and precise directions. Good to see Newt can be nice to Pepper.

  2. Suzanne Kelly

    They all look so darling but what a beautiful coat!

    I am glad to know that the spring and slightly warmer weather is not far away for all of you.

  3. Tony Gerrard

    Did. You go to St Swithin:s by any chance?

    It only means you want to do the correct thing for them. Trust your feelings they are normally right.

  4. colleen McNamara

    I love my new word !! thank you it sums up many days here.
    Sending love to all feathered and furred and hoomans of course.

  5. judy l shank

    Love Fivla & her blanket. Now I know that all the worl’s unicorns have gone to the Shetlands to make special feeding mixes for their hornless cousins. This is good to know because I always wondered where they went after posing for the French tapestries. I really have fallen in love with all your animals, but I do especially love Fivla demanding her coat & that coat is a beauty!

  6. darby callahan

    such a smart girl is Fivla to insist on what she wants. she does look quite adorable in her blue rug. and what a wonderful word!

  7. Judith

    Quite right, Fivla. We old ladies like our rugs. I have mine on my knees when I watch TV (saves money on turning up the heating). I expect you would too, Fivla, if you only had a TV.


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