Sunday Afternoon Summer

It is a beautiful sunny day and everyone is out and about.


Winter seems a long time ago. It is funny how quickly we forget wondering when, or even if, the grass will ever grow again.


The Minions are turning into fat little pigs and that is fine.


In fact everyone is looking very well, perhaps a bit too “well” in some cases.


I tried to get the tats off Tiddles but, once he had worked out why I wanted him, he was off.


In a huff, never to be caught again!


So I left him to it and reckoned there would be other days to get that fluff off him.


Taktur was being Greta Garbo.


Who was it who said “the grass is always greener on the other side”?


The boys really just wanted to be left to eat so I went off to find someone else to amuse me and my camera.

I think this is a skylark.  It made a beautiful noise and was nearly impossible to photograph – very quick in the sky and didn’t hang about.

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Lambie and Lambert are enjoying the Summer too.  Lambie was particularly bouncy on the dogwalk (yes all four of us went!)  He was all Skippety Doo-Dah until he fell over.

5 thoughts on “Sunday Afternoon Summer

  1. Terri

    LOL! I can’t believe the new Lambie — he could hardly walk a few months ago! He and Lambert look so happy together — how wonderful that you engineered that friendship. Taktur may be longing for his lady-love, Hetja? What a handsome lad he is. The Minions are a success story, if ever there was one!


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