Stressful Day

Today has been stressful.  I feel like I am in Terry Gilliam’s film “Brazil”.  Somewhere I read that I needed a Covid passport to fly south and so the morning was spent trying to find one.  Not easy because I had the booster in England.  Scotland and England NHS’s don’t appear to communicate or update.

Then there are far too many close Covid cases that appeared on my radar. So now I have decided to abandon Plan A (to stay with my sister in London during the funeral – her postcode is a hotbed of cases) and to minimise contact with everyone.  I shall live at Mum’s house instead which is walking distance from the crematorium.  I shall sit, like the Queen, on my own, taking a taxi to the airport and flying back home the next day, hopefully not catching, carrying or giving anyone Covid, while lateral flow testing as I go.

Life seems very difficult, nearly impossible, but this is the best I can do.  Lovely neighbours are leaving me bread, milk, butter and marmite and there are new gaozi (Chinese dumplings) from my last trip in Mum’s little freezer.  So hopefully essentials are covered.  I just won’t have my sister and her family as support and will get through the funeral on my own.  I will and can do this.

Meanwhile, waiting for me at home……

This is probably and should be my family crest.  Terriers rampant!

Think of me. This is Hell.

15 thoughts on “Stressful Day

  1. Louise Whyte

    no words, it is just so hard, but you are doing all the sensible things you can.

    I love Ted when he sits with front paws in the air, he is gorgeous.

  2. Phyllis M Browning

    I wish you special protection on your difficult journey. I am so glad that you have so many cherished souls to welcome you home.

  3. Dona

    Take one day at a time (I have been told recently). Stay safe and look forward to returning home to those darling faces. We are all thinking of you.

  4. Celeste

    Tough times indeed, my heart goes out to you. Grieving is enough by itself, but with all the current health complications it is just too much. Sounds like you’ve made the best plans you can. Wishing you safe travels; you will find your way through this. So glad you have a big family to come home to, everyone, 2 and 4 legged, loves you very much and will be waiting for you.

  5. jacqueline slavich

    We are thinking of you. Please take care of expectations and allow yourself some ‘blah, this is all tooooo hard’ time.

  6. Judith Garbutt

    What a nightmare! You’re being very sensible and taking all possible precautions but that won’t be much consolation when you’re facing a lonely and difficult time. You’ll be in my thoughts. I hope it is not too utterly devastating for you. Having those lovely canine faces in your mind and speed home to them.

  7. Sam

    You have my utmost sympathies having to do this alone. As does your sister and her family not being able to attend. This is when being an adult can suck. But then you have these sweet terriers to come home to. So happy Teddy and Pepper are getting along. And doesn’t Ted look sweet standing up! Sending thoughts and prayers that you travel safely south and back home again. (sending nasty thoughts to those who won’t vaccinate/mask/social distance).

  8. darby callahan

    You will get through this. it would be hard in any case but this awful pandemic has made thongs so much harder. and you will have these precious faces eagerly awaiting your return. I wish you safe travels Frances.

  9. May

    I’m sorry that you and your family have to go through this, those that can be there and those that cannot.
    Hope your trip is safe.
    We’re thinking of you.

  10. diane in northern wis

    I won’t just be thinking of you Frances, I’ll be praying for you all the way there , while you’re there, and all the way back home again. Praying all will go as well as can be expected, and you’ll be back home again very soon….or sooner! Your sweet Mum will be blowing you kisses from above, for the rest of your life. You can be sure of that.

  11. Louise Stopford

    Thinking of you Frances and sending virtual hugs at this stressful and difficult time. Sorry to hear that you are having to face your mum’s funeral alone. Someone has already said there are no words!! Stay strong and stay safe.

  12. Edith Thom

    These are the strangest times. When things are bad COVID just adds on the most impossible extra layer to deal with. sending love.


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