Storms Ahead

Last night we had some weather.  It was not nice and, as I knew it was about to appear, I shut the Minions into my new shed.  The Icelandic horses have good shelter and long grass in their field so I was not worried about them


This morning’s sunrise did not bode well either and the weather forecast for the next 48 hours is scarily horrendous.


The boys have been outside today as much as possible despite Waffle’s desire to live in the house.

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I did all my chores as early as I could before the bad weather returned and then at 15:00, we called the boys back into their shed before it got dark.


Lured by carrots, they happily went in.  It is the perfect shed for The Minions or the Icelandic horses.  I hate splitting anyone up into separate stalls unless they are fighting, ill or being bullied.


There are no haynets and hay is on the floor.  Last night Silver managed to wrap a haynet round his hoof so never again.  Luckily I checked them after supper and managed to extricate him before any damage was done.


Tiddles is very happy here.  He is much more relaxed and chatty.  I think it is the space.

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So, wish us luck through these next few days.  It is going to be very hairy scary out there.




5 thoughts on “Storms Ahead

  1. Louise

    It’s been no fun on the edge of the Pennines today so goodness knows what it’s like up there. Keep safe Frances x


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