This morning (and possibly every morning) the Minions all came rushing over for their breakfast.
Vitamin at the lead and Fivla at the back – she has been slow her entire life.
Heads down and eat!
Silver finished first – he always does – and therefore exerted his rights to “clean the bowl” (well, that’s what we say when anyone is making a cake in this family).
Vitamin and Fivla have their own versions of breakfast and Pepper, who has to come too, supervises everyone, clearing up as she goes along.
I love how Vitamin doesn’t mind in the slightest. Trust is a two-way thing.
The Minons swap around once they’ve mostly finished and it is pretty much without argument.
Though, sometimes Newt (all 26″) has a rather bouncy bottom.
Albie, who is always bullied off his bowl first, comes to me for a chat and a complain. I give him a hug and tell him that he’s probably had enough anyway.
Pepper adds her sympathies.
Everyone gets a visit from Pepper except for Silver, if he is in one of his stamping-dog moods.
And then on the neighbouring croft, someone was backing their trailer into the yard, and everyone had to rush off to watch and give their opinion. I picked up the empty buckets, tipped the bowls and Pepper and I went home.
That last picture is hilarious! Nosey Noozers.
Nice that they all get along without major conflict.
Love the pic of the bottoms retreating over the hill.
Yet again you bring us such beautiful photographs; It is a pleasure to see such happy and clearly well-fed ponies. But those guys who just gorgeous I love the sunrise photo. And it’s particularly adorable your last photo of all the minions heading away.