Stand Your Ground

Yesterday afternoon, while my Wool Week friend and I were chatting to the sheep in the field, the Icelandic horses came up to join us too.

We turned to go home for a well-earned cup of tea and looked back to see this…..

Kolka sniffing ‘Ster, who was looking straight at me, as if to say “what do I do?”

So I told him to do nothing and just go with it.

But Kolka went too far and ‘Ster made it very clear.  Sniffing only please, madam.

And she understood, determined to find out what these woolly creatures are that she shares a field with during the daytime.

I don’t think ‘Ster minded.  He decided he could trust her and obviously Kolka loves the smell of slightly damp wool.

What’s not to love? ‘Ster smells like a lovely brand new pure wool sweater.

And then ‘Ster decided he’d had enough and I understand that but it was nice to see them both communicating with each other.  Some horses and ponies will kill sheep if they share a field, but I actually know and trust that my lot won’t.  Well, certainly the big lot.  I’m not that convinced by the Minions, though.  They can go about with a gang mentality and I remember them making a point of chasing Lambie when he was very little.

5 thoughts on “Stand Your Ground

  1. Lucy

    Good old Kolka! My OH and I had to call for rescue for an old ram being bullied almost to death by the bigger of two horses in a field near us. Thank goodness we had decided to walk that way that day (we had almost turned back) and saw the crime being committed. The poor ram was cornered in the field and having his fleece gradually pulled out/off him by the horse. He was obviously extremely distressed and really showing signs of giving up. My brave (mainly non-horsey) OH managed to keep the horse at bay – with difficulty and much arm waving – while the ram (heart meltingly) trusted me to walk him into the next field and shut the gate on the equine murderer. We then rang round friends and the RSPCA to see if anyone knew who the ram belonged to. Eventually a friend of a friend contacted the ‘owners’ of the ram and the field (the horses were new tenants and they had not thought to keep an eye on the ram to see if the new horses would be ok with him). The ram was soon transferred from the field we had put him into (otherwise empty – we checked) to a small paddock nearer the house, with other sheep (why did they not think of this before)? My OH was really shocked and changed his rather generalised view of horses all being gentle animals that day. He still loves them but would never leave a vulnerable animal in their midst!

    1. Frances Post author

      How truly awful and well done you. Rams are mostly gentle souls. My younger lot have killed stray lambs I ashamed to say.

  2. Colleen McNamara

    Is your friend visiting from New Mexico Celeste Nossiter? She and I live about 3 miles form each other in the South Valley. When she was working she was my book rep. also we share love of animals. I just wish I was a talented as her with knitting. Hope you had a good visit.
    Warmest wishes


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