Special Skills

We’re making the most of the slightly calmer days at the moment even going out for a rather fast ride.  It was wonderful.

The daily visits to Leradale mean everyone has to be given a carrot.

They love the old vegetable garden at the moment.

Since Dreki moved to Leradale, he has changed – a more mature outlook.

From being a rather jumpy berk who would stand behind his sister resisting most contact, Dreki is now first up.

Everyday I put on a headcollar and hold it together so I can let it go quickly if necessary.  Dreki is very brave about this and even today, when they all had the wind in their tails, he was a good boy.

Unlike his sister.  Lilja will tell you she has a note from her mother saying she doesn’t have to do this because she is a Princess.

I am not forcing the issue.  Instead I changed the game.

I catch her by her chin hairs and she is not allowed to pull away from me.  That’s it.  I hold her by her chin for a few seconds and she has to bear it and be big and brave.  Having a huge winter coat helps greatly.  Something to grab!

For Lilja, this is an achievement in itself and she rushes off afterwards to stand behind any mother who will indulge her. Yesterday, it was Brá. Today it was Hetja who just looked rather embarrassed about her little girl’s behaviour.

We will work on this Speshul Skill and move onto Mr Headcollar later when Lilja is calmer about things. It is very early days.  I usually don’t start this until after the New Year.

But the words prima donna and little madam spring to mind. 

However, I am very proud of Dreki.  He is turning into a dude – His father’s son.

4 thoughts on “Special Skills

  1. diane in northern wis

    Beautiful pictures Frances. You seem to take a special liking to your boy animals! They are beautiful that’s for sure. The two youngest horses are certainly looking beautiful as well. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Merry Christmas. Hope the weather is good for all of you.

  2. louise stopford

    Gosh those babies have certainly grown and they have grown in to real beauties. I suppose there is plenty of time for their lessons in life as they are still so young. So glad that they are doing so well.


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