Sort of Snow

We had a bit of snow, well more like polystyrene packing thrown at us, over night.

I drove over to feed the Minions, while Daisy fed the big ones. Floss had to work all day.

There was a beautiful morning light, which totally cheered everyone’s spirits – the last two days have been tough on us all. It was nice to see the ponies smile. I thought about bringing hay over later in the afternoon, but the snow has been sporadic with only one good blizzard and the ground isn’t covered. And every single animal is extremely well covered *** cough ***.

Having a second opinion, ie Daisy’s, is good because I can be talked out of over-feeding everyone just because it is a bit colder.


This is a short blog because I am cooking, making sheeple and doing more cooking. And then I need to wrap presents…..

5 thoughts on “Sort of Snow

  1. diane in northern wis

    Everybody looks good and well cared for …..and oooooh what are those delicious looking tart-things you’re making??? Do tell!!!

  2. Judith

    Seasonal polystyrene – what’s not to like? Glad everyone seems to be in fine fettle. I made biscuits today, gingery cinamonny ones in various shapes but I’ll increase the variety tomorrow. I recently joined a church choir and have been busy with singing, oh and a couple of things for my birthday too.


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